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Thread: Schools add LGBTQ to sex ed: Inclusive or overstep?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by WickedWillis View Post
    Kids should be made aware of these people, and their sexuality, etc.
    Ahhhh, no.

    Children don't need to be thinking of sex at all.


  2. #12
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    I miss the old days when the perverts and deviants stayed in the closet and kept to themselves. Unlike today where it is forced upon all, even children, to give approval as if their amoral actions are normal and must be accepted and taught.
    Philippians 2:10-11

    To argue with a person who renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. ~ Thomas Paine

    “The greatest conspiracy theory is the notion that your government cares about you”- unknown.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6933 View Post
    Ahhhh, no.

    Children don't need to be thinking of sex at all.

    I'm on the older end of the millennial spectrum. I grew up in a very Christian and conservative home. My mom really tried when I was younger to shelter me from things. I learned about sex and dirty things at a very young age because of other kids at school. Kids are learning about sex and sexuality way earlier than most people think.

    Everything is oversexualized in the media and the world as a whole right now, and kids see and consume all of that. Passively, and actively. You can put your hands over your ears and scream out loud all you want, but it's happening.

  4. #14
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    Well, it's happening because people like those in Cal are busy making it happen. They are driven by the LBGT lie that children should be officialyl sexualized into perverted and mad behaviors.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomMcC View Post
    Not possible is it. I mean really people make moral judgements on this very forum about all kinds of things. For instance...dont you think the Dems are "wrong" about your ability to own an AR?

    I will add that in your response to me you made an implied moral judgement about my explicit moral do you think boys should be told sodomizing men is "good"?
    Considering my rights are clearly enumerated already that point is irrelevant

    As to the second my comment was more in condemnation of what you’ve already held as justifiable behavior in the form of lawful rape within the confines of marriage

    Beyond that the extent to which kids need to be taught anything is to respect the rights and wishes of others insofar as how they, as consenting persons of sound mind (and age), choose to pursue happiness in their respective lives.

    The world would be a better a place if folks stopped sticking their hands and bibles into everyone’s business.

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6933 View Post
    Ahhhh, no.

    Children don't need to be thinking of sex at all.

    Children should "sadly" be made aware that there are sexual predators out there and males tend to outnumber female sexual predators and males tend to prey on both genders.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Considering my rights are clearly enumerated already that point is irrelevant

    As to the second my comment was more in condemnation of what you’ve already held as justifiable behavior in the form of lawful rape within the confines of marriage

    Beyond that the extent to which kids need to be taught anything is to respect the rights and wishes of others insofar as how they, as consenting persons of sound mind (and age), choose to pursue happiness in their respective lives.

    The world would be a better a place if folks stopped sticking their hands and bibles into everyone’s business.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    And there you go again. I've never justified marital rape...please by all means bring that thread up so we can examine it. If not then stop the mere abuse and slander.

    And all the while you're condemning my bible based morality, I'll point out that your promotion of sodomy is completely arbitrary based solely on nothing other than personal preferences.

    And from where did these rights come from? Pretty much the entire world throughout history thinks your enumerated rights are a fiction and the paper they're written on is worthless. So your right to an AR hinges on what Tom Jefferson, and John Adam's said 2 and a half centuries ago? How completely arbitrary.
    Last edited by TomMcC; 05-14-19 at 22:36.

  8. #18
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    quite simple once they scientifically prove/change that one can actually have babies or produce babies they are what they are born !!!
    and that is what they teach male or female

    the left are brain damaged to the point they want to say global warming is science when its not yet this alphabet freak stuff is not science but you identify ?
    when I say yes I believe in science and there are only two sexes ! they go after you its not about science its about what you feel ?
    they can't even agree on what they want to use to argue with you

    if someone wanted to identify as being a dog would they promote that ? there is no difference once you start believing to be something you are not you are mentally wrong and need mental help !!!!

    our society is hosed cause of idiocy like this

    once two males or two females can actually have babies with no other outside help again ! they are what they are you can wish all you want does not make it real
    sex ed class was never supposed to be about how to have gay sex and promote you should try it cause it will make you a better person
    it was about reproduction and human physiology not about feelings and experimenting

    I say lets have an experiment take all the gays as to what they are born male or female and put all of them by each sex they were born with onto a island and say once you start producing babies we will let you off the island ! I mean you want to say it worked with darwin !!! Science you believe in let's put it to practice !

  9. #19
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    The misuse of science has allowed them have their babies. Their stranglehold on education has allowed them to pollute 5 yr olds.

    Soon, they'll join with more of their enemies to eradicate the ultimate enemy. The enemy THEY all hate. Just like Herodians and the Pharisees who hated each other, but they hated a carpenter even more. So they joined together for the cleansing. My enemies enemy is my friend.
    Last edited by TomMcC; 05-14-19 at 23:02.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomMcC View Post
    How exactly is homosexuality "okay" and an aberration at the same time?
    It is just as okay as any other deficiency or abnormality that people have. Aberration is defined as a deviation from the norm.
    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President... - Theodore Roosevelt, Lincoln and Free Speech, Metropolitan Magazine, Volume 47, Number 6, May 1918.

    Every Communist must grasp the truth. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party Mao Zedong, 6 November, 1938 - speech to the Communist Patry of China's sixth Central Committee

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