In a wide-ranging interview with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain, President Trump said that he's ready to press the nuclear button if and when the time comes.

When asked if he would negotiate with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to avoid war, Trump said "Of course. I've said that and he's said that. I know so much about nuclear weapons and I see the horrible damage done. I don't want that."

Morgan then asked Trump if he would press the nuclear button, to which Trump replied: "I think it’s a terrible responsibility but one I’m prepared to handle," adding "I don’t want to have to think about it, but there may be a time when I do have to think about it."
My take: This is probably just a signal to Iran that he's serious, like when Reagan joked on an open mike that "we begin bombing" Russia in five minutes. But still, I get kind of nervous about the idea.