I subscribe to some European "Woodcraft" channels on youtube. This is sort of like camping, backpacking, wilderness survival rolled into one. A subset of this woodcraft is stealth camping. This means camping near other campers but remaining undetected by them. This is a thing in Germany and Austria, maybe all over Europe and there are videos on it.

In discussing stealth camping, the subject of camouflage came up. Of course they have great camo available to them in Germany but this person told me words like---Camouflage is great if you remain stationary but if you are moving, solid colors are less detectable.

At first, I dismissed this but then thought about it. If you got an average of the green of your particular forest, for example, that might "flash" less than the multi-color camo if you were moving. And when would you move? Going from cover to cover or just trying to get to cover in the first place---the most vulnerable of all situations.

The Marines in Vietnam used a solid green color. Was this the reason? What do you think of the idea that camo is more detectable moving than solid colors? Is this person right?