Quote Originally Posted by Evel Baldgui View Post
And yet conservatives will do NOTHING. Republicans in congress are doing nothing to stop or hinder the charade perpetrated by treasonous thieving scumbags like Schiff, Pelosi, Schumer etc. Virginia will enact draconian gun control measures which will pass and conservatives will do nothing. Perhaps guns at some point will be banned at the federal level and gun owners will turn them in regardless of whatever pseudo-macho bullshit people post on forums. Perhaps I digress from the original post, at some point either the US will balkanize or democratic socialists will dictate the laws of this nation. The United States exists 'united' in name only.
I started the thread and I think it all ties together.

People understand something, please start resisting and fight back.

I am saying this from my perspective of having been born and raised in the USA, then living in a socialist paradise. I have traveled around the world and seen things 99% of the worlds population will never see or even hear about.

I am now back in the USA, because I know it is the best country in the world.

But will it stay this way?

Only if you fight back!

Fight back doesn't mean grab your AR and go kill people, at least not today.

Today it means join the NRA as messed up as it is. Join other groups that are fighting to protect the Constitution. Call your representatives at both the State and National level.

So please get involved. Resist the tyrants !