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Thread: Vitamins for Chronic Muscle Pain/Tension

  1. #1
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    Vitamins for Chronic Muscle Pain/Tension

    I've been having neck pain (unable to turn without pain--like checking blind spots and looking back to yell at my kids, lol) and some muscle pain down the right side of back for over a year and we have not been able to find the cause.

    Currently waiting on the results to see if it is Lyme Disease.

    All labs are perfect.
    Xray is fine (a little arthritis, bone spurs)
    Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, and Chiropractic care did nothing. Muscles will not stay relaxed.
    Heat, exercise, cold, and standard NSAID's do almost nothing.
    I take Omega 3, Turmeric, Magnesium, Vit D, Glucosamine & Chondroitin, and Super B Complex.
    Did elimination diets. Not food related.

    Have not done: consistent yoga (ugh, not a huge fan) and not running consistently (it's winter), only walking. I am no more stressed than usual.

    So...what "good for muscle tension" vitamins could I be missing? Any other suggestions? I've googled until my fingers bleed and it super depresses me. Not sure what to ask for next. A different scan or a certain specialist?

  2. #2
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    I was plagued with similar symptoms of unknown origin. I quit going to the doctor, quit all meds and supplements. Tried to relax my mind and focus in on my interests. In time everything went away. It was a big mystery.

    Best wishes with whatever it is.
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  3. #3
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    I came to this thread specifically to suggest screening for Lyme disease. Only to see you are cognizant of it.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by C2Q View Post

    So...what "good for muscle tension" vitamins could I be missing? Any other suggestions? I've googled until my fingers bleed and it super depresses me. Not sure what to ask for next. A different scan or a certain specialist?
    Muscle tension vitamins? There is such a thing? (no, there isn't)

    Consider finding an Osteopath. Not just any DO, and certainly not a chiro-quacker, but a DO that did their residency training in Osteopathic Medicine.

  5. #5
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    For me the same was cleared with Keto and proper magnesium supplements. There are various variants of magnesium, and it took a few to find the right one.
    "SEND IT" happens to be my trigger words...

  6. #6
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    I think you would be in shock at the number of ex Tier 1 lads, that do yoga. It is a part of what I do, it keeps me pain free and able to work out and hunt bad guys.

    My business partner, a bad ass has just started a yoga program called DDP Yoga and he loves it because it isn't as strange as traditional yoga. (more macho) It also has sucess stroies on there web page.

  7. #7
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    Vitamins for Chronic Muscle Pain/Tension

    Stay consistent with physical therapy. It’s typically something you have to do forever unfortunately. Sometimes it takes everything you listed to maintain a tolerable level of pain. You may just have to accept the fact that you may never truly be pain free.

    I would suggest that you seek out an interventional pain management physician. The specific characteristics and associated inciting event of this pain is extremely important in developing an accurate diagnosis. Further imaging like an MRI may be warranted as well.

    Those arthritic changes of the spine can cause lots of pain that can be treated with injections and other modalities. You may require some muscle relaxants (e.g. cyclobenzaprine, methocarbamol, etc.) to relieve those spasms as well.

    Whatever you do, don’t go down the opiate road. I good pain management doc will steer clear of narcotics. Their goal should be to get you to a tolerable level that will allow you to continue PT.
    Last edited by scooter22; 01-30-20 at 19:48.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoni View Post
    I think you would be in shock at the number of ex Tier 1 lads, that do yoga. It is a part of what I do, it keeps me pain free and able to work out and hunt bad guys.

    My business partner, a bad ass has just started a yoga program called DDP Yoga and he loves it because it isn't as strange as traditional yoga. (more macho) It also has sucess stroies on there web page.
    It's just so boring to me. The local yoga center does give Veterans one free yoga class a week. I am trying to force myself to go to at least one consistently.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by scooter22 View Post
    Stay consistent with physical therapy. It’s typically something you have to do forever unfortunately. Sometimes it takes everything you listed to maintain a tolerable level of pain. You may just have to accept the fact that you may never truly be pain free.

    I would suggest that you seek out an interventional pain management physician. The specific characteristics and associated inciting event of this pain is extremely important in developing an accurate diagnosis. Further imaging like an MRI may be warranted as well.

    Those arthritic changes of the spine can cause lots of pain that can be treated with injections and other modalities. You may require some muscle relaxants (e.g. cyclobenzaprine, methocarbamol, etc.) to relieve those spasms as well.

    Whatever you do, don’t go down the opiate road. I good pain management doc will steer clear of narcotics. Their goal should be to get you to a tolerable level that will allow you to continue PT.

    I am in Celebrate Recovery for my generalized anxiety disorder and have seen the opiate recovery heartbreaking.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Stormin_ View Post
    For me the same was cleared with Keto and proper magnesium supplements. There are various variants of magnesium, and it took a few to find the right one.

    Magnesium type of supplements are what I was thinking when I posted this thread, but I have not seen any improvement with them so I wanted to see if I was not aware of something. Thanks!

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