Chiming in to throw in an additional option, SWFA SS HD 1-6. However, it may not be superior to razor or nightforce overall but I would want to compare glass quality between them. I don't expect average LPVO use to require much turrent dailing so the importance of turrent is less for LPVO, I would put more weight on reticle and glass quality than turrent for LPVO. From researching I found that nightforce NXS glass is disappointing grey low contrast looking compared to razor, probably because nightforce used majority of budget to ensure the turrent is best it can be. But I can say the glass on NXS is way more than good enough for duty use. I can't say how SWFA 1-6 compares to razor or nightforce but I can almost bet SWFA would have better glass than NXS but I don't know about razor. Wouldnt it be interesting to see which of those maintain the visibility longest after the sun sets. Myself, the price of $1000 is almost enough for me to purchase multiple LPVO and compare them all then returning all to keep one which I like best. (I know that's a dick move to the businesses taking the returns.) I wouldn't mount them without ensuring they would get zero marking on the body like wrapping strip of cotton from old shirt so the ring never touches the body and only barely tightening it down. Then look through them all during the same time of the same day in noon and low light. Have a score sheet ready to score their glass(multiple aspects to this like contrast, clarity, brightness, etc), turrent, illuminate, reticle, etc.) Write down your observation of how each scope compares to each other and arrive at your final decision. I would be interested in hearing about your observation. You could also ask each brand for a loaner example-this sound like something forum top member should do. Other forum members could even loan our credit card so the massives charges of many scopes wouldn't tie up the reviewer's finances. I'll stop babbling now.