I did a search on this, and found an endless range of posts on the Materiel side of magazine ID's, but not so much the Software side--color codes, ID's etc.

Question is, what all "special codes" do you guys use to indicate loads, roles etc.? I know any dedicated as malfunction trainers usually require a color marking, and thought I'd see what colors you guys use for what meanings. (Some favor red for trainers; I was leaning more toward a light blue like the military uses on practice ordnance saving red for "war shots," and I know Orange is usually for "less lethal.")

Right now, here's the roadmap I'm thinking of for my own codes; would appreciate any refinement suggestions. Bear in mind, I'm operating several different groups for specific apps...

Dedicated for my M4, all MAG556-MCT
Main Mags: M4 1-14, green band at bottom
Training Mags: M4 T1-T7, blue band above green band
All: My initials on bottom of baseplate

Dedicated for our C8, all D&H/USGI 30-round
Main Mags: C8 1-14, colored band at bottom (waiting for GF to pick color, since these are for "her" gun)
Training Mags: C8 T1-T7, blue band above colored band
All: My initials and hers on bottom of baseplate

General Purpose inventory, all black no-window Gen M3 PMags
Numbering system: First two digits are capacity, second two individual ID--examples, 1021 = ten-round in active use, 30T3 = 30-round training-only
Blue band on bottom body: Training use only
Red base: Loaded with Mk 262--does Magpul sell spare baseplates?
Green base: Loaded with M855