Seriously, though, we all know there will be a well crafted reason, somewhat along the lines suggested. How about "Not wasting time with a prevaricator when the nation is in crisis." Of course, there will be another wave of "ending all life" pandemic, perhaps even a new virus, more financial problems. The real risk is the backbone of the US, small to medium business will be turned against the President and Republicans in general as a result of more forced shutdowns. Some say 50% of the closed business won't return; I see no reason to doubt that figure, and another shutdown will make things even worse. So, people whose livelihoods have been destroyed , naturally will blame the person who was in charge at the time. The failure of the Republicans is not to address the twisting of the issues. Easily constructed because lies are hard to keep solid, as they have no real backing in fact. The hard part will be to get the word out, as the media control the dissemination. It will all be a difficult time, and we all have to make decisions. BTW, where the hell ARE the Republican members of Congress? Why are they just rolling mover?