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Thread: Q honey badger pistol re-classified as a SBR.

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alaskapopo View Post
    It doesn't matter so much what the president wants. Trump is a lost cause I would focus on keeping the senate.
    ^This. The Senate and the Supreme Court are all that really matter re. the 2nd Amendment. The Presidency is the tool that gets us the Supreme Court we want. We get the Senate that we want.
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  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by PLCedeno View Post
    ^This. The Senate and the Supreme Court are all that really matter re. the 2nd Amendment. The Presidency is the tool that gets us the Supreme Court we want. We get the Senate that we want.
    Maybe, but a bigger problem is that the whole notion of “public safety” came into existence as a legal construct in the first place. Even Barrett has opined as such.

    So either public safety, public health, etc overrides civil liberties or they don’t. History has born out that they do and all the Covid BS has only reinforced this nonsense in earnest.

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  3. #123
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    ATF moving to make AK/AR pistols AOWs.


    Out of every 100 men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets. Nine are the real fighters and we are lucky to have them for they make the battle. Ah, but the is a Warrior, and he will bring all the others back.


  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by signal4l View Post
    We will have to respectfully disagree. You're not going to get law enforcement or active duty military to engage in forcible gun confiscation.

    I've been a cop for a long time. I'm not doing it. Nor will any of the cops I know.

    Even if 1 or 2% of law enforcement officers were willing to commit armed home invasions and homicide they would have a tough time getting it done. Most departments in this country have fewer than 50 officers. 2% of the officers in my department wouldn't give you enough guys to direct traffic on a busy street. Taking 2% of officers from all departments and forming some type of multi-jurisdictional gun confiscation unit would never happen when 98% are opposed to the idea.

    A New Zealand style gun ban is entirely possible. We need to vote accordingly
    You misinterpreted my comment. I said 1-2% of LE/.MIL may NOT take part. The other 98-99% will gleefully follow what ever orders their superiors issue. I'm sure almost all members of NYPD, Boston PD, LAPD, SFPD, Atlanta, Charlotte, Omaha, Dallas, Houston, Austin PD, list them all ...they WILL follow orders. The .MIL WILL follow orders, it's what they do, period. LE department members only concern is their livelihood, salary, health insurance, pensions. Citizens alleged rights don't mean a thing. Perhaps your department compromises the 1-2% that would not enforce such egregious orders; that is, until your salary depends on it.
    I sincerely hope that such a situation never arises, for the resultant consequences would be severe on both sides of the equation.
    Last edited by Evel Baldgui; 10-26-20 at 20:46.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evel Baldgui View Post
    You misinterpreted my comment. I said 1-2% of LE/.MIL may NOT take part. The other 98-99% will gleefully follow what ever orders their superiors issue. I'm sure almost all members of NYPD, Boston PD, LAPD, SFPD, Atlanta, Charlotte, Omaha, Dallas, Houston, Austin PD, list them all ...they WILL follow orders. The .MIL WILL follow orders, it's what they do, period. LE department members only concern is their livelihood, salary, health insurance, pensions. Citizens alleged rights don't mean a thing. Perhaps your department compromises the 1-2% that would not enforce such egregious orders; that is, until your salary depends on it.
    I sincerely hope that such a situation never arises, for the resultant consequences would be severe on both sides of the equation.
    Those in the departments listed, that would follow orders blindly, likely have a terrible taste from the BLM protests. To think L/E will go into homes to take firearms will be short lived... especially when that one guy, who isn’t going to roll over, decides to open fire on officers (and I’m not saying that has to happen per each agency... you have one situation like that, any L/E from coast to coast will say screw that). It would stop... quick, fast, and in a hurry.

    But I will question you on how exactly you got your numbers (seems more along the lines of standard anti-L/E crap... which we do face enough of lately). Every L/E agency I’ve dealt with likely wouldn’t just go into Nazi gun confiscation mode (including some agencies that people feel are extremely anti-gun). Might happen in areas with anti-gun L/E, but the brass pushing for it and officers being forced to get put in a position where they likely could get shot... you’d see a lot less action than standing down. I’d say the reverse is probably more accurate... 98% of L/E won’t carry out such orders.

    But if you want the exact reasoning why I wouldn’t do it... here is the oath I took.

    “I, [name... you don’t need it], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

    Last time I checked, the Second Amendment is still part of the Constitution. Maybe some people who think we are just in it for the pay see that as a meaningless statement... but I actually did, and still do, consider that my main duty. Call us racists... I’ll put my life in danger to save anyone, no matter of what difference someone wants to make a huge deal about. Someone starts shooting up a school or department store... I’ll be running in, whether I grabbed the AR/vest in my truck or just have my J-frame on me. Some of us do this job for more than just a paycheck.

    Northern ME, where I’m Federal L/E... if DHS said we were being used to confiscate firearms... it wouldn’t be a port-wide no, it would be a port-wide HELL NO! I could only think of two people that would even consider it... one is too lazy to do it, and the other knows what it is like being on that end of the gun.

  6. #126
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    Seriously considering starting a trust and just Form 1ing my shit at this point

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by MWAG19919 View Post
    Seriously considering starting a trust and just Form 1ing my shit at this point
    Why would you cave like that

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  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpmuscle View Post
    Why would you cave like that

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    Many folks want the "illusion" of legal protection. Even to the point of giving up...
    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by prepare View Post
    Many folks want the "illusion" of legal protection. Even to the point of giving up...
    No doubt. Screw that, and screw them, I wouldn't pay extra money to keep owning something I already own.

    So sick of their never-ending crap.

  10. #130
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    I dont see anything wrong with a hedge. If your not hedging in other parts of your life, good luck. I would always prefer an SBR to pistol anyway.

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