Quote Originally Posted by Bluto View Post
Yeah, they are backwards... I'm still trying to adjust to the safety situation with this gun and so far this angle is kinda working but not really... I think if you are used to the AK platform and it's safety you can probably walk right into this platform but if not there is a learning curve. The original safety is terrible and I haven't really found an after-market solution that is ideal so I've been experimenting.
Actually they suck. They are nothing like an AK safety. When the AK is on safe it is in the UP positions, with those HBI ones safe is in the down position and actually blocks access to the trigger.

But worst of all, generally those HBI safeties are manipulated by the trigger finger, with an AK the safety is typically manipulated by the thumb of the shooting hand. Granted neither is ideal, but the HBI's are a terrible idea. Putting them on backwards has to screw with your grip something terrible doesn't it?

I don't know understand the fascination of buying a known quantity like a CZ and then dropping crap tons of aftermarket shit on it. Don't take it personal but I've seen LOTS worse than yours.

But the suppressor choice for example. I don't think I've seen a more suppressor ready firearm than the stock CZ in a long time. Remove flash and thread protector and add suppressor. It's an incredibly short package as it is, integrally suppressed is going to create heat issues and rob you of slots to attach shit like VFGs.

My 07 buddies are running select fire versions stock with zero problems. Light weight, handy, suppressor ready, etc. My guess is you won't be able to run any kind of VFG because you've gone too custom. Might be able to trick a standard MOE grip in there if you pull the suppressor, maybe not.

Doesn't look like you have a lot of clearance.