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Thread: Alternative Combat Training Options When Gun Access Isn't Possible?

  1. #11
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    The reality is that, if you can't get guns now you shouldn't rely on them suddenly becoming available when things get bad.

    Your best bet with a tyrannical government, if you're unarmed and unorganized, is to keep your head down and play along.

    You aren't suddenly going to pick up a random rifle and win WWIII. The people you'd be fighting already have the training you seek, and they already have the rifles.

    Successful revolutions and resistances take years to form, and almost always have outside aid... and even so most fail.

    I, and my family will not submit to NWO mandates, period, end of story.
    ...yet you live in a country that won't let you have guns. You've already lost the war, now it's just deciding exactly what hill you die on.

    Your children, or grandchildren, will have to fight the war you failed to win for them.
    Last edited by tanksoldier; 12-18-20 at 22:22.
    "I am a Soldier. I fight where I'm told and I win where I fight." GEN George S. Patton, Jr.

  2. #12
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    The reality is the reality. I'm not in denial of that. Where do we go from here? Bend over and take it like a good little slave? I think NOT!

    Turning the tide around has to start somewhere.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    The reality is the reality. I'm not in denial of that. Where do we go from here? Bend over and take it like a good little slave? I think NOT!

    Turning the tide around has to start somewhere.
    It does have to start somewhere, but you're at the "education and political action" phase... assuming you're still allowed to do that.

    From the perspective of Mao Tse-tung's "Little Red Book" you're at phase 1 insurgency... the idea of revolution, which can't be killed or defeated unless you kill everybody. You need to educate and advocate to spread the idea.

    Armed conflict is years down the road, if ever. Most of your fellow subjects probably agree with your government, that average people shouldn't have guns. Pick up a rifle now, you'll just be a dead lunatic.

    Plant enough idea in enough heads, and at least when you die you'll be a martyr instead of a lunatic... and you must be willing to die for your cause, otherwise hang it up now. Even if you manage to institute your desired changes thru peaceful political process, you don't KNOW that will work. You may have to fight for it.

    Are you willing to die, see your children die, see friends and neighbors die... on both sides, for the change you want?

    ...and if you are, are you then willing to wait and be patient? ...because dying is the easy part. Building your base, gaining credibility, educating and convincing people to your side in enough numbers that dying has a point will take years.

    Buy Chairman Mao's "Little Red Book" and read it, see what you're setting yourself up for. It's a lot more than "get a rifle and some magazines, and hide them under the floorboards". If you do it right, by the time it comes to actual fighting you'll have already won.
    Last edited by tanksoldier; 12-19-20 at 21:43.
    "I am a Soldier. I fight where I'm told and I win where I fight." GEN George S. Patton, Jr.

  4. #14
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    If only there was time to cultivate a "revolution'. Forced vaccinations are my line in the sand. They try that with my family, then better to die & take out a few order followers in the process than submit to that. And hopefully that will put a question mark in the minds of the order followers who think they are shielded from the consequences of their actions.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    If only there was time to cultivate a "revolution'. Forced vaccinations are my line in the sand. They try that with my family, then better to die & take out a few order followers in the process than submit to that. And hopefully that will put a question mark in the minds of the order followers who think they are shielded from the consequences of their actions.
    Then you'll die to no purpose, or worse you'll have died in aid of your enemy's cause.

    You will be dead, and your family will be dead or vaccinated anyway, your "lunacy" will reinforce your government's "need" to keep arms out of the hands of it's subjects... and if you're lucky enough to take a few pawns with you, you will have created martyrs for the other side's cause.

    Again, read Mao's book. Your enemy has already studied it thoroughly. A death that aids your enemy is worse than useless.
    Last edited by tanksoldier; 12-20-20 at 17:10.
    "I am a Soldier. I fight where I'm told and I win where I fight." GEN George S. Patton, Jr.

  6. #16
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    @tanksoldier, you should change your handle to tankslave. Cause you're spouting slave-think.... Bend over, take it, don't resist. Be a good little slave bitch... do what you're told.

    If the vaccination is forced, and The People don't fight back, then we already lost going foreword.

    Study history. It was compliance to one absurd order after another that led to eventual genocide. If the order followers were in fear of their life, every time they setup to enforce an order, those genocides would have never happened. Consider the real consequences next time you dutifully muzzle yourself with that mask like a good obedient slave you seem to be.

    Of course all measures should be taken to avoid that, but if there are no other options, then mortal force applied to the order followers even if it means your death, you did not die in vain. You've put the fear in the order followers executing their next order, never knowing if they might come out alive. And we have 1000 years of history to validate that to be true.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    @tanksoldier, you should change your handle to tankslave. Cause you're spouting slave-think.... Bend over, take it, don't resist. Be a good little slave bitch... do what you're told.

    If the vaccination is forced, and The People don't fight back, then we already lost going foreword.

    Study history. It was compliance to one absurd order after another that led to eventual genocide. If the order followers were in fear of their life, every time they setup to enforce an order, those genocides would have never happened. Consider the real consequences next time you dutifully muzzle yourself with that mask like a good obedient slave you seem to be.

    Of course all measures should be taken to avoid that, but if there are no other options, then mortal force applied to the order followers even if it means your death, you did not die in vain. You've put the fear in the order followers executing their next order, never knowing if they might come out alive. And we have 1000 years of history to validate that to be true.
    You aren't going to get the info or reactions you want on an open forum.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #18
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    @tanksoldier, you should change your handle to tankslave. Cause you're spouting slave-think
    I’m spouting reality. You don’t even own a gun... but you’re going to overthrow a government. By yourself... because that’s what you’re talking about. You may get one or two, but once you cross that threshold they will send every soldier and cop in the country if they have to. It’s not like they will send two, have them die, and change their minds. You will have to kill them all.

    The news headline will read: two police officers killed by lunatic with glock plastic revolver machine gun and chainsaw bayonet, lunatic neutralized by police sniper. Children locked in basement and denied vaccination by abusive parents saved.

    It’s not like you’ll be around to say otherwise.

    It’s not about bending over and taking it, never mind that you’ve been doing that yourself your whole life, it’s about not dying before you can make a difference. You’ve had your whole life to learn these things, to prepare for this day, to coordinate with others who believe what you do... and you haven’t... but in the 11th hour your plan is to become Rambo by playing airsoft. Doesn’t work that way.

    I have studied history. My thesis was on Stalin’s rise to power. I know exactly what I’m talking about.

    One dude frothing at the mouth and waving an old fowling piece or whatever you can scrape up is not going to stop, prevent or alter anything. You are literally playing into your enemy’s hands, becoming their poster boy for why “Guns r bad, mkay?“

    By yourself you aren’t even a speed bump. Slave-think? You aren’t thinking at all. You’ve allowed yourself to be led by the nose for decades, and NOW you’re going to stand up and fight? The time for that was before they took your guns away in the first place.

    You don’t even know HOW to fight. You said as much in your first post... but you’re going to take on professionals. OK.

    Die pointlessly now, or educate your children and their children and in a few generations you might have a chance.
    Last edited by tanksoldier; 12-22-20 at 00:23.
    "I am a Soldier. I fight where I'm told and I win where I fight." GEN George S. Patton, Jr.

  9. #19
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    You asked for advice. Listen to a little about WHEN to fight. That is some of what has been offered here.

    I don't like the idea of a mandatory covid vax either. I am not anti vax, but I want to see more knowledge before I submit. However, it is not a hill to die on. It is an insult, an overreach, but it is not a direct threat.

    Read "The Art of War". There are many other works, but that is pretty much universally available. What you describe is not effective resistance. Letting your opponent dictate the conditions and timing of your resistance is a losing strategy.

    You fight when you are ready, you fight when you have a plan for winning. Yes, there are times when you must defend yourself desperately. Usually when you have allowed yourself to be blindsided. Lashing out with doomed resistance to insult guarantees failure, even by your own admission.

    Plan, prepare, strategize, and execute on your terms. Asymmetric warfare is full of examples of empty resistance, but it never leads to victory for the guerrilla force. If need be, take the damn shot. Suffer the insult and prepare a winning strategy. Or lose. Your choice.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Forced vaccinations are my line in the sand. They try that with my family, then better to die & take out a few order followers in the process than submit to that. And hopefully that will put a question mark in the minds of the order followers who think they are shielded from the consequences of their actions.
    What's the logic behind that? What are you afraid a vaccination will do? Kill you? You're going to die anyway, taking out some health care workers just trying to do their job. The question mark about you will be 'What was that nut thinking?'.

    Why are forced vaccinations a line in the sand for you? What have you based your information on? You're no better informed than people accepting the vaccination and you are a slave to your own ignorance, which is just as bad. There's blind trust, and there's also blind distrust.

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