Its official, CZ has bought Colt, here is what I posted to IG...:

Dear CZ, congratulations on buying Colt. Please start by firing everyone who was an officer, and instead of a giant severance package, give them 2 weeks salary in an envelope while security walks them out. Next, fire anyone who can’t fieldstrip an M4.
Next, move to a firearm friendly state. Stop giving money to a state that is trying to put Colt out of business.
Lastly, hire some people who actually know the firearm community and understand what the public wants. There is no reason for Colt to lag so far behind.
Thank you for saving an American icon!

While some people will think I'm joking, I'm serious. The overhead at Colt has appeared to be the major blockage for Colt moving forward, and the overhead includes brass who "APPEAR" to have been brought on board not for any actual firearm ability, but because of past or future favors. While there are lines which are supposed to be drawn on some of this, that isn't my point. My point is that the brass, and the upper management has shown themselves to be utter failures. These individuals should not be walking away with massive checks for a company they ran into the ground, rather, they should be perp walked out the door with a carboard box, and kicked off the curb in the direction of their expensive cars.

The state, and the union have not been favorable to Colt. I'm not exactly pro union, but I do understand why they have a place. I also understand extortion tactics used by Unions, and how bad some of them are. Its my opinion that Colt/ CZ needs to move to a firearm friendly location, and set up their facilities for new workers at good wages, with good management and start again.

My last comment is pretty easy for guys to understand who are in the firearm industry. I have no doubt Colt has made a lot of fantastic firearms, the problem is that if they don't get a GOV contract for them, those items vanish into a vault. Remington did the same thing with its 12 or so ACR examples that it made. It used them to show them off, but never opened them for sale. Funny how they didn't see a return in that investment.... New people who understand what is being bought and sold will make the difference in sales. Short run pieces aren't a bad thing, and I think Colt could make good money by doing 1 and 2 year runs of different model AR15s. Different rails, different gas systems, and different furniture create new pieces to engage with the customers and dealers. I wouldn't think the 6920 model should ever vanish, but there is more to the market than one older model AR.

I most sincerely wish CZ the best of luck with Colt. I feel they have a fantastic opportunity, but they will need to take some pretty basic steps to see them come to fruition.

What changes would you like to see CZ make to have Colt be successful?