Quote Originally Posted by Ironman8 View Post
I’ll throw a curveball in this discussion and ask what’s your real mission? Do you need something to keep you and yours in your immediate vicinity safe? Or do you expect to be the hero and go hunting down a dude shooting fish in a barrel in the other room or across the building? Are you really up to that job?

And part two, what’s the aftermath? Do you have enough funds or carry insurance to cover court costs? Will you be viewed as the good guy or not? Are you ok with risking everything for people you don’t know and may not really appreciate what you did or the level of work you put in to have the skill to be able to solve that issue?
Excellent questions. I have been asked that before by a few people I know. Years ago my answer was 'It would really depend on the situation itself.'
Now I have a son and I don't expect myself to be the good guy going after or tracking down the bad guy.

I have a short carry history, only 5 years now. I started with a single stack Springfield XDS seven rounder. I quickly yearned for more capacity and now carry a Springfield XD Mod 2 with a flush fit 13 round mag and carry a backup 13 rounder.