One of our shooting Buddys had an extra one of these G 42 braided springs laying around and I asked him about it. Said whats the deal bla bla bla? He said it was supposed to make the "Boing" go out of the rifle gassed AR's and that weird recoil impulse you get with a 20 inch rifle AR and improve reliability and longevity.

The gun was already reliable but maybe it would improve if the gun was very dirty or I ran shitty ammo. But the felt recoil impulse was completely different, it felt better, faster and no weird noises coming from buttstock. That never really bothered me but I have to admit I really liked the new and improved impulse and complete elimination of weird noises. Big improvement for a mostly nice but not necessary product.

If your 20 inch rifle gun bugs you with its impulse and weird noise, these springs are GTG and they probably do more that I discovered on one outing. I was impressed.