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Thread: Condition Red 1 Day Medical - Human Cadaver Lab - Fri, Apr 30, 2021 - BOSTON, MA

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Exclamation Condition Red 1 Day Medical - Human Cadaver Lab - Fri, Apr 30, 2021 - BOSTON, MA

    Hands-on medical with actual (deceased) human bodies.

    This is unique opportunity to get as real-world as you can (safely) in a clinical setting under the instruction of a pro who trains USAF Pararescue and US Navy SEAL medics.

    I'm told this is being held at cost (cadavers are expensive). This is also comparably cheaper than a live tissue lab.

    For some (like myself) the class can also serve as stress innoculation.

    -You'll learn how to control bleeds with red dye being pumped through blood vessels
    -Ever wanted to do a needle decompression for tension pneumothorax?
    -A cric airway?
    -An I/O access when you can't find a blood vessel to place an IV?

    Here's your opportunity.

    Photos and video will be permitted, with some limitations out of respect to the donors and their families.

    Chris van Houten
    Condition Red, Inc

    Human Cadaver Lab
    Friday, April 30 (9 am to 5 pm with a break for lunch)
    Boston, MA

    This is a hands-on medical course - but not your ordinary medical course.

    Human cadaver lab. Skills include tourniquet application, wound packing, junctional hemorrhage control, oropharangeal airway, nasopharangeal airway, king airway, eti, surgical cric, needle decompression, finger thoracostomy, chest tube insertion, gross anatomy, intraosseous access and more.


    The instructor can be reached by text and e-mail:

    Text message:

    Doing my part to keep malls safe

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Durham, NC
    Feedback Score
    23 (100%)
    These classes are worth their weight in gold.

    That said, never exceed the level of your license or competence.


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