I've had a dedicated night time set up for a few years now. It's a 11.5" with a IR and visible red laser (non IR illuminator), and a Inforce WML. None of the attachments are state of the art, but I'm not a door kicker, so it seemed to suit until I finally got the time to do more than cursory night time shoots. I'm having trouble engaging targets under trees without an illuminator using the IR laser and PVS-14s, and when doing some indoor shooting, the only illumination I was getting was from spill from dust and my IR laser. I really haven't liked the Inforce sine I got it, I don't like the activation switch or inability to use a tape switch.

Would a Vampire take care of my needs? Could I use it to engage targets using my DBAL to 100-150 yards? Would it be useful for indoor NODS shooting? I guess the real question, is the Vampire a good choice to replace the Inforce and get the most out of my NODS, or should I just save my duckets and get a MAWL or similar? Kind of dump what I've got and go whole hog.