To balance out the thread intended to push getting the vaccine for the "good of humanity" this thread can be used to explain why you aren't getting the vaccine. For the record, I am not an anti-vaxer.

- I don't trust anything associated with this virus
- Far too much monkey business with the lab leak coverup and the WHO / NIH involvement with China. - Who, what and why are they protecting?
- I don't trust the drug companies pushing the vaccine, they have covered up viable, inexpensive, treatment alternatives to push the more profitable vaccine
- I firmly believe the various strains are the result of the vaccine and the virus reaction to the vaccinations and these more virulent strains aren't helping anyone
- Be very suspicious of all of the syrupy VAX pushing being done by the MSM and via taxpayer funded advertisements

I personally don't care if you get the vaccine, it is your personal decision. Just as it is mine not to get the vaccine and I won't be coerced into getting one.