Ok, let's be positive. This totally swamps out the 1/6 Hearings from most people's thoughts...

I just don't get it, I mean I do, they need a crisis and the MSM is more than happy to play along.

Someone needs to file a federal lawsuit challenging the latest CDC ruling, and get a national injunction put into place- just like the anti-Trump rulings. Look at the IHME data for the US, we beat covid. Pretty clear. We have uncoupled deaths from infections, that is why the MSM focuses on infections qualitatively and deaths anecdotally.

I thought that the smart people had figured out we had won and we were on our way back. Nope. The data doesn't support this. You've got to torture the data and make some bad logical leaps to get to going back to masks. It seems the rationale is that even vaxed people can get high viral loads with a delta infection. So even vaxed people can spread it. That's the theory to force vaxed people to mask up.

I really don't know how this is going to play out. I'm vaxed, I'm not wearing a mask. F em. I think a large number of people are going to do the same.

Talk about totally making people not want to vax - and forget any kind of booster.

Sad day for science, govt, freedom, and rational thought.

Funny tid-bit, I flew last week and the safety brief says that if the oxygen system deploys, you should remove your cloth mask before putting on the emergency mask. I thought that cloth masks didn't affect the ability to breathe.....