Pretty astonishing docuseries on Netflix. Still viscerally painful to watch footage of that day, and they are showing the real stuff...the stuff that they sorta stopped showing about a month after the event.

The phone calls to loved ones, I don't know how any human trapped in towers or on a plane could leave a calm and composed "final message" on a answering machine. I know it is how it should be, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't be that composed.

The air traffic control audio, the military (you mean this is a real life event, not a drill) audio traffic, the terrorists who thought they were transmitting to the passengers but were actually talking to air traffic control.

The entire background starting with the 1979 soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Comprehensive detail of the Afghan leaders including some current interviews. Interviews with CIA big guys including Bill Casey.

Basically everything you wanted to know and a bunch of stuff you probably wish you didn't know about the 9-11 event before and after. Probably safe to assume just about everyone here knows more than your average person about the event, I bet you still learn a bunch of shit you didn't know.

Pretty hard to watch, but probably needs to be seen and damn glad somebody put it together. Amazing lack of political bias, no blame games, just who was who, who did what and sequence of events.

I have slightly more respect for Bush 43 than I did a few hours ago. I now believe he did his best, still missed a shitload of opportunity but I think he tried.

Survivor stories are nothing short of amazing and told in a "matter of record" kind of way with nobody thinking they deserve a special cookie for what they did that day. Reminded me again that "not all NY'ers suck" and a lot of them are much better people than those who go around saying "NY'ers suck."