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Thread: Workplace Covid Mandate

  1. #101
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    You won't outvote the corruption.
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

  2. #102
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    Good read...
    "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
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    "A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left."
    Ecclesiastes 10:2:

  3. #103
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    (apologies if it's previously posted)
    Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

    Americans are no longer living under representative government. We are living under government by the screen people, of the screen people, for the screen people.

    By Joy Pullmann, OCTOBER 7, 2021

    Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

    There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

    That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan.

    According to several sources, so far it appears no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval. The White House, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

    Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority.

    “There is nothing there yet that gives employers any mandate,” Stephanie McFarland, spokeswoman for the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration, told me Oct. 6. “The president made an announcement on this asking OSHA to do it, but we’ve not yet seen anything come from it yet,” she also said. When the state agency gets any further information, she said, they’ll review it.

    To impose the public perception of a mandate, the Biden administration is following an unusual rule-making process it also employed earlier this year, called an emergency temporary standard (ETS). The spring ETS rule took nearly six months to issue. Meanwhile, companies are telling reporters their vaccine mandates will have at the latest December deadlines. (For those who can’t calendar, that’s four months after Biden’s non-existent mandate was proclaimed. According to OSHA, an ETS takes up to six months to go into effect after the initial mandate is issued in the Federal Register — which, again, for the proclaimed 100-employee mandate hasn’t happened yet.)

    Lawyers for big business were blunt about their love for this mandate mirage: “Everybody loves this cover,” Minneapolis employment lawyer Kate Bischoff told Bloomberg Law in September. “Many were already looking down the road at doing this, but the fact that they get to blame Biden is like manna from heaven.”

    Using the ETS procedure instead of normal federal rule-making processes both allows the Biden administration to push its demands faster and without any public input or requirement of responding to public input, which is normally required of even legally laughable federal rule-making like this one would be. That is part of why ETS rules have been overwhelmingly overturned in courts.

    “OSHA has used that legal authority only 10 times in 50 years,” David Rivkin Jr. and Robert Alt wrote in the Wall Street Journal in September. “Courts have decided challenges to six of those standards, nixing five and upholding only one.”

    There are many other reasons any federal vaccine mandate would be obviously illegal and unconstitutional, Rivkin and Alt write, including that “The states have plenary police power to regulate health and safety. Congress has only those limited powers enumerated in the Constitution. That wouldn’t include the authority to impose a $155 fine (today’s equivalent of the $5 at stake in Jacobson) on an individual who declines to be vaccinated, much less to prevent him from earning a livelihood.”

    But who needs the Constitution when you have an American people conditioned for compliance with even wildly outlandish things the screen people insist they must think and do?

    Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from Bruce Atkinson making several excellent observations about the nonexistent mandate, including the following:

    The mandate’s nonexistence shields the Biden administration from legal challenges that may ultimately restrict the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s authority. Yet the mandate is still effective at compelling industries and companies into compliance, as it leaves room for any eventual issuance to target noncompliant entities. This implied cudgel is particularly effective on industries and companies that are dependent on federal spending or the goodwill of federal regulators. The nonexistent mandate also allows so-inclined state and local governments and companies to issue their own mandates, seemingly in lockstep with Washington.

    The Biden White House has been well-served by presenting a nonexistent mandate as a done deal.

    Now, let me see, what presidential administration does all this remind you of? Why, that of Mr. “Pen and Phone” himself, Barack Obama.

    His also wildly unconstitutional Deferred Action for Child Arrivals was simply a two-page memo, for example, but it is still allowing some 616,000 people to simply ignore major U.S. laws, and could easily be reinstated by courts as litigation continues nearly a decade later. It seems that, given such unchecked gains from openly lawless actions Democrats have turned into standard operating procedure over the years, Joe Biden feels free to reduce that constitutional contempt to simply a phone now.

    What this “government by press release” also allows is for Republicans like Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to complain about Biden’s tyranny while using zip, nada, zilch of their elected authority to stop it. Holcomb has used the same executive rule-by-decree throughout the lockdown era without effective restraint by a supermajority-Republican state legislature, even telling the press churches were required to deliver Christ’s Body and Blood his way while quietly keeping that part out of his executive orders, surely because government dictating religious exercise is obviously unconstitutional and would quickly have generated lawsuits.

    All this allows weak Republicans and evil Democrats to shadowbox each other for the cameras while ordinary Americans suffer under their abdicated leadership. By the time Republican attorneys general get around to filing lawsuits over any eventually issued legal documents that fulfill Biden’s promises, the vast majority of people not wanting government to force them into medical procedures will likely be unemployed, forcibly injected with treatments that have almost no track record, forced from their education paths, provided with fake documents like these citizens are beneath COVID-rule-exempt illegal aliens, and all the rest.

    This is how weak Republicans keep letting Democrats go right on gleefully disemboweling our rights just like they have nearly 50 million of the American unborn. Gee, thanks, “public servants.” Tell me another one about how you love American liberties and the Bill of Rights. I’ll believe that when I see you sacrificing anything substantial to fight for them.

    What Democrats are doing as Republicans stand down yet again is a moral and constitutional abomination. Not even the fig-leaf pose of a pen signing balderdash-filled documents is needed for today’s Democrats. Whatever they say, you do. You have no rights or say in the matter, no possibility for objecting to even them forcibly injecting things into your own body and the bodies of your children.

    These people believe they are royalty, and too many Americans are acting like they’re these losers’ serfs instead of citizens endowed by God with inalienable rights, including the right to consent — through elected representatives, not never-elected dictatorial bureaucrats — to rules that restrict our rights, everyday lives, and human dignity.

    Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist, a happy wife, and the mother of six children. Her newest ebook is a design-your-own summer camp kit, and her bestselling ebook is "Classic Books for Young Children." Sign up here to get early access to her next full-length book, "How To Control The Internet So It Doesn’t Control You." A Hillsdale College honors graduate, @JoyPullmann is also the author of "The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids," from Encounter Books.
    Photo White House / Flickr

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsbhike View Post
    How many of those LE would go rounding people up if LE got an exemption?

    I know not every cop went out and hassled church goers, people swimming, people in parks, and what ever else that has happened in the last year and a half, but way too many did.
    The real question is, How many of them tried to stop it? How many of them went and arrested the real criminals giving these illegal, unconstitutional orders? Zero.

    How many of them even refused and quit or were fired for standing up for the constitution, as per their oath? Very few, if any.

    You're correct that it's only a minority who are actively on board with this, but when the vast majority follow without opposing them, that's all it takes.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by okie View Post
    The real question is, How many of them tried to stop it? How many of them went and arrested the real criminals giving these illegal, unconstitutional orders? Zero.

    How many of them even refused and quit or were fired for standing up for the constitution, as per their oath? Very few, if any.

    You're correct that it's only a minority who are actively on board with this, but when the vast majority follow without opposing them, that's all it takes.
    Boy you know when you throw out the comparison between what Nazi's did and our current "Mandates" how surprisingly similar, but socialists are all alike.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hush View Post
    (apologies if it's previously posted)
    Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Doesn’t Exist. It’s Just A Press Release

    Americans are no longer living under representative government. We are living under government by the screen people, of the screen people, for the screen people.

    By Joy Pullmann, OCTOBER 7, 2021

    Yes, we’ve heard all about Joe Biden’s alleged vaccine mandate for private companies employing 100 or more people. It was all over the news even before he announced it on September 9. His announcement has jeopardized the employment of millions of Americans and increased worker shortages in critical domains such as health care.

    There’s only one problem. It’s all a mirage. Biden’s so-called vaccine mandate doesn’t exist — at least, not yet. So far, all we have is his press conference and other such made-for-media huff-puffing. No such rule even claiming to be legally binding has been issued yet.

    That’s why nearly two dozen Republican attorneys general who have publicly voiced their opposition to the clearly unconstitutional and illegal mandate haven’t yet filed suit against it, the Office of the Indiana Attorney General confirmed for me. There is no mandate to haul into court. And that may be part of the plan.

    According to several sources, so far it appears no such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs yet for approval. The White House, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Department of Labor haven’t released any official guidance for the alleged mandate. There is no executive order. There’s nothing but press statements.

    Despite what you may have been falsely led to believe by the media fantasy projection machine, press statements have exactly zero legal authority.

    “There is nothing there yet that gives employers any mandate,” Stephanie McFarland, spokeswoman for the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Administration, told me Oct. 6. “The president made an announcement on this asking OSHA to do it, but we’ve not yet seen anything come from it yet,” she also said. When the state agency gets any further information, she said, they’ll review it.

    To impose the public perception of a mandate, the Biden administration is following an unusual rule-making process it also employed earlier this year, called an emergency temporary standard (ETS). The spring ETS rule took nearly six months to issue. Meanwhile, companies are telling reporters their vaccine mandates will have at the latest December deadlines. (For those who can’t calendar, that’s four months after Biden’s non-existent mandate was proclaimed. According to OSHA, an ETS takes up to six months to go into effect after the initial mandate is issued in the Federal Register — which, again, for the proclaimed 100-employee mandate hasn’t happened yet.)

    Lawyers for big business were blunt about their love for this mandate mirage: “Everybody loves this cover,” Minneapolis employment lawyer Kate Bischoff told Bloomberg Law in September. “Many were already looking down the road at doing this, but the fact that they get to blame Biden is like manna from heaven.”

    Using the ETS procedure instead of normal federal rule-making processes both allows the Biden administration to push its demands faster and without any public input or requirement of responding to public input, which is normally required of even legally laughable federal rule-making like this one would be. That is part of why ETS rules have been overwhelmingly overturned in courts.

    “OSHA has used that legal authority only 10 times in 50 years,” David Rivkin Jr. and Robert Alt wrote in the Wall Street Journal in September. “Courts have decided challenges to six of those standards, nixing five and upholding only one.”

    There are many other reasons any federal vaccine mandate would be obviously illegal and unconstitutional, Rivkin and Alt write, including that “The states have plenary police power to regulate health and safety. Congress has only those limited powers enumerated in the Constitution. That wouldn’t include the authority to impose a $155 fine (today’s equivalent of the $5 at stake in Jacobson) on an individual who declines to be vaccinated, much less to prevent him from earning a livelihood.”

    But who needs the Constitution when you have an American people conditioned for compliance with even wildly outlandish things the screen people insist they must think and do?

    Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from Bruce Atkinson making several excellent observations about the nonexistent mandate, including the following:

    The mandate’s nonexistence shields the Biden administration from legal challenges that may ultimately restrict the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s authority. Yet the mandate is still effective at compelling industries and companies into compliance, as it leaves room for any eventual issuance to target noncompliant entities. This implied cudgel is particularly effective on industries and companies that are dependent on federal spending or the goodwill of federal regulators. The nonexistent mandate also allows so-inclined state and local governments and companies to issue their own mandates, seemingly in lockstep with Washington.

    The Biden White House has been well-served by presenting a nonexistent mandate as a done deal.

    Now, let me see, what presidential administration does all this remind you of? Why, that of Mr. “Pen and Phone” himself, Barack Obama.

    His also wildly unconstitutional Deferred Action for Child Arrivals was simply a two-page memo, for example, but it is still allowing some 616,000 people to simply ignore major U.S. laws, and could easily be reinstated by courts as litigation continues nearly a decade later. It seems that, given such unchecked gains from openly lawless actions Democrats have turned into standard operating procedure over the years, Joe Biden feels free to reduce that constitutional contempt to simply a phone now.

    What this “government by press release” also allows is for Republicans like Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb to complain about Biden’s tyranny while using zip, nada, zilch of their elected authority to stop it. Holcomb has used the same executive rule-by-decree throughout the lockdown era without effective restraint by a supermajority-Republican state legislature, even telling the press churches were required to deliver Christ’s Body and Blood his way while quietly keeping that part out of his executive orders, surely because government dictating religious exercise is obviously unconstitutional and would quickly have generated lawsuits.

    All this allows weak Republicans and evil Democrats to shadowbox each other for the cameras while ordinary Americans suffer under their abdicated leadership. By the time Republican attorneys general get around to filing lawsuits over any eventually issued legal documents that fulfill Biden’s promises, the vast majority of people not wanting government to force them into medical procedures will likely be unemployed, forcibly injected with treatments that have almost no track record, forced from their education paths, provided with fake documents like these citizens are beneath COVID-rule-exempt illegal aliens, and all the rest.

    This is how weak Republicans keep letting Democrats go right on gleefully disemboweling our rights just like they have nearly 50 million of the American unborn. Gee, thanks, “public servants.” Tell me another one about how you love American liberties and the Bill of Rights. I’ll believe that when I see you sacrificing anything substantial to fight for them.

    What Democrats are doing as Republicans stand down yet again is a moral and constitutional abomination. Not even the fig-leaf pose of a pen signing balderdash-filled documents is needed for today’s Democrats. Whatever they say, you do. You have no rights or say in the matter, no possibility for objecting to even them forcibly injecting things into your own body and the bodies of your children.

    These people believe they are royalty, and too many Americans are acting like they’re these losers’ serfs instead of citizens endowed by God with inalienable rights, including the right to consent — through elected representatives, not never-elected dictatorial bureaucrats — to rules that restrict our rights, everyday lives, and human dignity.

    Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist, a happy wife, and the mother of six children. Her newest ebook is a design-your-own summer camp kit, and her bestselling ebook is "Classic Books for Young Children." Sign up here to get early access to her next full-length book, "How To Control The Internet So It Doesn’t Control You." A Hillsdale College honors graduate, @JoyPullmann is also the author of "The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids," from Encounter Books.
    Photo White House / Flickr
    What's scary about this is that what he's doing, in a nutshell, is faking it until he makes it to being a dictator. The only thing standing between us and a dictatorship is that in a democracy, when someone makes a proclamation that isn't the result of democratic processes of a representative government, the people simply don't listen. They say **** you Mr. President, come back when you have something in writing from our elected legislature.

    If he can stand up there in front of a camera and just make proclamations, and people do it, then it doesn't matter if it's legal or not, because now the only law that exists is whatever he says it is. Whether there's a law saying employers have to mandate or not is irrelevant. The only thing relevant is, Are they doing it? And for the ones who don't, will the federal agencies and law enforcement follow the dictatorial directives to punish them? If the answer is yes, then we officially live in a dictatorship, and by all accounts whatever nutty thing that comes out of his mouth is now law.

    And if there's one thing you can say about Americans it's that they're susceptible to fakers faking it till they make it. This is now a society where someone can claim to be something they're not, and if they're shameless enough in their lies, people will defer to them. Just look at how many celebrities there are, who are celebrities for being celebrities. They just got in front of a camera and said, I'm a celebrity now, worship me. And people did! So Biden is following that same game plan.
    Last edited by okie; 10-21-21 at 14:26.

  7. #107
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    And that's a road with no good outcomes, for anyone anywhere in the world.
    Psalms 109:8, 43:1
    LIFE MEMBER - NRA & SAF; FPC MEMBER Not employed or sponsored by any manufacturer, distributor or retailer.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by prepare View Post
    this is written by an anonymous author who cites zero sources except for one study that was so badly conducted and written and been so thoroughly debunked its own authors retracted it

    not super credible..

    check sources, folks
    why so serious?

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadman William View Post
    this is written by an anonymous author who cites zero sources except for one study that was so badly conducted and written and been so thoroughly debunked its own authors retracted it

    not super credible..

    check sources, folks
    - It is an opinion piece and he states very clearly why he is writing it anonymously
    - I've read it twice and see no study even mentioned
    - This view aligns with that of my personal physician
    - I know of another doctor personally who recently lost his job because he wouldn't get the jab

    Try reading and comprehending, what he is saying is "exactly" what is happening.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by HKGuns View Post
    - It is an opinion piece and he states very clearly why he is writing it anonymously
    - I've read it twice and see no study even mentioned
    - This view aligns with that of my personal physician
    - I know of another doctor personally who recently lost his job because he wouldn't get the jab

    Try reading and comprehending, what he is saying is "exactly" what is happening.
    you're right - he didn't reference a study, he referenced the situation with ivermectin in india, which got me off down on an hour long rabbit hole reading about whether or not ivermectin has in fact "eradicated" covid in india, as he claims - and the main source material for that claim is the above referenced Elgazaar study...
    wall street journal's retraction -
    one of the peer-reviewers/"investigators" responsible for exposing the BS -

    and after an hour of all that reading, sitting at the VAMC waiting to get some blood drawn, i had it in my mind that he'd referenced the study, not the situation.

    that aside.... you are as likely the author of that anonymous article as any doctor. that's the problem with writing things anonymously.

    there are a lot of crackpot doctors out there, i'm sure you would agree. so it's not hard at all to find crackpots that will continue to push this bullshit. but the overwhelming majority of physicians and subject matter experts are not only just disagreeing with your esteemed anonymous doctor author, they're calling these claims bold faced lies.

    why do you choose to believe a small minority opinion backed by nary more than fraudulent studies over the entire scientific consensus?
    Last edited by Deadman William; 10-21-21 at 15:30.
    why so serious?

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