my body my choice ONLY works with killing babies that is for sure sadly !!!!!

WOW great story ! and so true LONG used in humans our gov refuses to make it OK for covid since pharma wont make huge money therefore the stocks wont go up with insider trading happening in gov ! bottom line MONEY
also to keep rates insane high the insurance wont cover again more MONEY trail idiocy

of course we know Ivermectin is being molecular copied and going to come out bet it's going to be freaking way more $ than the original

from the article
“Every day after ivermectin, there was accelerated and stable improvement,” said Dr. Bain, who administered the drug in two previous court cases after hospitals refused.

Quote Originally Posted by Artos View Post
How bout this guys experience...yikes.

While Dr. Bain was well aware of ivemectin’s ability to fight the covid virus in early infection, even he was surprised to discover its late-stage effectiveness. “It quells the fire of the inflammatory storm and also helps to lower the progression of stiffened lungs—aka pulmonary fibrosis,” he said. “That’s the beauty of this drug. I’m not saying it’s a cure. It’s just amazing.”