Quote Originally Posted by rocsteady View Post
This is the same "mistake" that I always make, thinking that the infringements they're always proposing have anything to do with actually making anything or anyone more safe. The government simply wants us disarmed, Period. Everything they are just drooling over accomplishing becomes infinitely easier if we're all unarmed. See censorship of social media, horrific/misguided lockdowns and restrictions in response to a virus, refusal to secure borders, ability to throw our tax dollars away without a second thought, manipulating every possible force in the country in order to get election outcomes they want, and on and on and on.
There’s a bunch of ATF leadership listed out on their websites. We need to take these guys out to lunch and basically transmit to them that they’re not to yield to the whims of whatever political party is in the office of the presidency at any given time. They need to defer to the judgments of the supreme court and step away from political influence. And just on a general level we need to be transparent with them that as a body of tens of millions and of people we are not married to the idea of their bureau having purview over firearms. They could very easily become the tobacco and alcohol folks and we could leave the firearms bit to local law-enforcement. We need to start having some candid and constructive conversations with these people.