I was thinking today after looking around that people are still going on about stuff to buy. Some widget….

A different coast has given me a different attitude. Everything else was kind of a toy. Been picking away more at the MNQ but more range has given me a chance to test my steadiness and…I am getting older.

But while I don’t have my Colt at present, I do have my HK. It is the MacBook Pro of ARs. It’s steep entry but you get a great barrel, a decent trigger, and just add a G rail and you would have almost spent as much building up a decent Colt.

Someone will go on about chrome lining but it got super humid in Georgia and I never had a problem and I wasn’t super anal about cleaning it.
I’m not saying it’s the right answer but it’s right for me.

I would almost sooner get another HK than another gas gun and I’m not a person that think pistons are “better”.

I just wish ammo was cheaper.

Post your current shooting experiences and the shooting you should be doing