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Thread: Civil War-- New Movie- You see this

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post
    Oh, yeah, definitely. That's why the Founding Fathers stopped with their nicely worded letter asking politely for their freedoms.
    So I say specific things in specific ways for a reason. It takes some mental gymnastics to suggest I said anything close to the above.

    The FF had no vote, they were a colony of a monarchy. They wrote a nicely worded letter and then fought for their independence. We are in a different situation.

    So on the subject of civil wars, we did one already. It fixed some things, made some things far worse and it's up to each individual to decide if it was actually necessary or worth the cost in blood.

    But even as retarded as mainstream opinion could be back in the 1860s more people were about "liberty and freedom" (except as it applies to slaves obviously) than most people today. Most people today are about "make new laws to protect my expression." Most want a stronger nanny state.

    I'm not gonna get into "we have the guns" or "they have the bombers and tanks" or any of the arguments that won't be proven until after the shooting starts, but if we do will be costly...and if the result is the NEW socialist democracy that all "true" Americans wanted all along, many will regret having done it.

    Or do you feel that we fixed and restored everything in the 1860s and simply need to do it again?

    The reason we seem to be losing at the polls is because we are dramatically outnumbered by idiots who can't see the results of their imagined utopias. If it was as easy as "shoot our way back to constitutional america" it would have happened already, but it probably needed to happen as far back as 1906.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    The reason we seem to be losing at the polls is because we are dramatically outnumbered by idiots who can't see the results of their imagined utopias. If it was as easy as "shoot our way back to constitutional america" it would have happened already, but it probably needed to happen as far back as 1906.
    Yea...people can't even understand what subsidies mean.

    Everyone is all about solar, EV's, and green energy, saying "this is the future!" If it was, there would be no need for subsidies. It would just be beneficial to do it. They can't see that the rich are hiding tax breaks for products they can already afford but use tax money from the poor and lower middle class that can't so they can pay less under the guise of a "cleaner and better world".

    "But it's cheap/free! The government pays for it!"


  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by ABNAK View Post
    Only in a "Better dead than Red" kind of way. Better to live under commie rule and be alive, or better to die trying not to live under commie rule and at least take as many with you as possible? Hopefully America never has to make that choice, but I'm not holding out much hope.
    Yes, it is better to die trying to fight for freedom than give in and live the existence of a slave to the state.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    So I say specific things in specific ways for a reason. It takes some mental gymnastics to suggest I said anything close to the above.
    No, you mean exactly what I said, even if you just don't realize it. You would have been the guy in '76 saying that rebellion against the King is a bad idea, because the colonists would lose the autonomy they had left, as well as their "lives, property, and sacred honor." That's very obvious when you read the rest of your post.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    The FF had no vote, they were a colony of a monarchy. They wrote a nicely worded letter and then fought for their independence. We are in a different situation.
    Voting doesn't work. Full stop. The franchise has been expanded too far to be of any value, and just as "citizen" lost any real meaning to the Romans, it has too lost its value to Americans. The importation of new voters and fighters makes that increasingly obvious. The old saying that "people that work for a living will be outvoted by people that vote for a living" is true. Thus, voting has the same impact as that nicely worded letter. We do it every 2-4 years, and it results in nothing. "Oh, well," we say, "We'll vote harder next time!" Rinse and repeat. Definition of insanity.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    So on the subject of civil wars, we did one already. It fixed some things, made some things far worse and it's up to each individual to decide if it was actually necessary or worth the cost in blood.
    Yes, as could be said of every war in human history.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    But even as retarded as mainstream opinion could be back in the 1860s more people were about "liberty and freedom" (except as it applies to slaves obviously) than most people today. Most people today are about "make new laws to protect my expression." Most want a stronger nanny state.
    And those people are getting it daily, without any real opposition. All that voting is working wonders, ain't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    I'm not gonna get into "we have the guns" or "they have the bombers and tanks" or any of the arguments that won't be proven until after the shooting starts, but if we do will be costly...and if the result is the NEW socialist democracy that all "true" Americans wanted all along, many will regret having done it.
    And again, we're slowly getting the "new socialist democracy" already. Anyone that opposes it is a racists, fascist, Christian Nationalist, etc. Fighting back, making use of that last box of liberty, is damn near our last hope for preventing that.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    Or do you feel that we fixed and restored everything in the 1860s and simply need to do it again?
    I'd say our last kerfuffle in '61-'65 has as much to do with the current issue as the War of the Roses did with the English Civil War. Similar concepts, but no real equivalence or "do that again." Trying to use our singular Civil War as some sort of guide post by which any future domestic struggle will be fought or turn out is just silly. At the very least, branch out and consider the Revolution, various Secession crisis, and events like the Battle of Athens.

    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    The reason we seem to be losing at the polls is because we are dramatically outnumbered by idiots who can't see the results of their imagined utopias. If it was as easy as "shoot our way back to constitutional america" it would have happened already, but it probably needed to happen as far back as 1906.
    "Shooting your way back" is never the easy route, which is why it's the last option, the last "Box of Liberty" to be used. The powers that be know that, which is why they only push so far, so fast. They try to intentionally avoid triggering the one reaction they can't control. If that means letting any one who wants liberty to have a minor tactical victory, so be it. That's why they let Trump win in 2016, why they let SCOTUS issue rulings that are either ignored by the Left or used as propaganda to rally their base. All the while, they march steadily along, making leaps forward from time to time, and grinding us down no matter what.

    I get your hesitation. As recently as a few years ago, I wasn't an "accelerationist". I thought that there was still hope, that eventually people would realize the logical outcome to current events, and we'd change. Somewhere in my post history is an argument with another member here about how the Pro-Gun Richmond, VA rally in 2020 was a waste of time. He argued that it didn't accomplish anything because all that combat power was amassed, but lacked the will to do anything. I felt differently, that it showed how many people were willing to stand up and do something, and the powers that be had to recognize that fact. As the rest of 2020 showed, he was right, and I was wrong. Dead wrong.

    Bottom line, the country is going to hell in a handbasket. Whether it's 100mph towards the cliff, or only 45mph with occasional bathroom breaks, the end result will be the same. The system isn't working as intended, at least not as intended by the Founding Fathers, and therefore we are left with only one option to turn to. It's not an easy option, and it will be bad, messy, and brutal. Sacrifices will have to be made, and it's probable that the entire country can no longer be saved. But if even a small remnant can be rebuilt into something like what once was, it's better than the alternative.
    It's f*****g great, putting holes in people, all the time, and it just puts 'em down mate, they drop like sacks of s**t when they go down with this.
    --British veteran of the Ukraine War, discussing the FN SCAR H.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post

    No, you mean exactly what I said, even if you just don't realize it. You would have been the guy in '76 saying that rebellion against the King is a bad idea, because the colonists would lose the autonomy they had left, as well as their "lives, property, and sacred honor." That's very obvious when you read the rest of your post.
    Glad you know what I think better than I do. As you couldn't be more completely wrong, and are just going to tell me what I think even when I say something very different, there is no point in this discussion.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-17 View Post
    Yes, it is better to die trying to fight for freedom than give in and live the existence of a slave to the state.

    No, you mean exactly what I said, even if you just don't realize it. You would have been the guy in '76 saying that rebellion against the King is a bad idea, because the colonists would lose the autonomy they had left, as well as their "lives, property, and sacred honor." That's very obvious when you read the rest of your post.

    Voting doesn't work. Full stop. The franchise has been expanded too far to be of any value, and just as "citizen" lost any real meaning to the Romans, it has too lost its value to Americans. The importation of new voters and fighters makes that increasingly obvious. The old saying that "people that work for a living will be outvoted by people that vote for a living" is true. Thus, voting has the same impact as that nicely worded letter. We do it every 2-4 years, and it results in nothing. "Oh, well," we say, "We'll vote harder next time!" Rinse and repeat. Definition of insanity.

    Yes, as could be said of every war in human history.

    And those people are getting it daily, without any real opposition. All that voting is working wonders, ain't it?

    And again, we're slowly getting the "new socialist democracy" already. Anyone that opposes it is a racists, fascist, Christian Nationalist, etc. Fighting back, making use of that last box of liberty, is damn near our last hope for preventing that.

    I'd say our last kerfuffle in '61-'65 has as much to do with the current issue as the War of the Roses did with the English Civil War. Similar concepts, but no real equivalence or "do that again." Trying to use our singular Civil War as some sort of guide post by which any future domestic struggle will be fought or turn out is just silly. At the very least, branch out and consider the Revolution, various Secession crisis, and events like the Battle of Athens.

    "Shooting your way back" is never the easy route, which is why it's the last option, the last "Box of Liberty" to be used. The powers that be know that, which is why they only push so far, so fast. They try to intentionally avoid triggering the one reaction they can't control. If that means letting any one who wants liberty to have a minor tactical victory, so be it. That's why they let Trump win in 2016, why they let SCOTUS issue rulings that are either ignored by the Left or used as propaganda to rally their base. All the while, they march steadily along, making leaps forward from time to time, and grinding us down no matter what.

    I get your hesitation. As recently as a few years ago, I wasn't an "accelerationist". I thought that there was still hope, that eventually people would realize the logical outcome to current events, and we'd change. Somewhere in my post history is an argument with another member here about how the Pro-Gun Richmond, VA rally in 2020 was a waste of time. He argued that it didn't accomplish anything because all that combat power was amassed, but lacked the will to do anything. I felt differently, that it showed how many people were willing to stand up and do something, and the powers that be had to recognize that fact. As the rest of 2020 showed, he was right, and I was wrong. Dead wrong.

    Bottom line, the country is going to hell in a handbasket. Whether it's 100mph towards the cliff, or only 45mph with occasional bathroom breaks, the end result will be the same. The system isn't working as intended, at least not as intended by the Founding Fathers, and therefore we are left with only one option to turn to. It's not an easy option, and it will be bad, messy, and brutal. Sacrifices will have to be made, and it's probable that the entire country can no longer be saved. But if even a small remnant can be rebuilt into something like what once was, it's better than the alternative.
    Well, I gotta say, that was impressive. We'll put, and I don't think I could agree more with your assessment of our situation.

    I'm a bit more pessimistic than you, however. Though I do think that if we have any hope of returning to a semblance of what the FF intended, it would unfortunately necessitate what you suggest, I don't think it will be nearly that simple. The rest of the Marxist influenced West would never allow it to be. Any civil war in the US would never just be a civil war. There are way too many foreign interests at work, and they would not sit idly by.
    “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” -Augustine

  6. #66
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    Changing the conversation back to the movie, here's a review from a guntuber I quite like
    Dr. Carter G. Woodson, “History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.”

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hank6046 View Post
    Changing the conversation back to the movie, here's a review from a guntuber I quite like
    He got mislead by an ad/review from the chive .
    My biggest takeaways from this review is that Spider-Man/Mary Jane Watson, Pablo Escobar, & Dune are extremely important to him.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always win and cheat if necessary." ~ Clint Smith

  8. #68
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    Nerdrotic is usually spot on with reviews.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red*Lion View Post

    Nerdrotic is usually spot on with reviews.
    This tracks 100% with everyone I know who saw it and opinions I respect. They all said they wished they didn't waste their time, the movie was about the reporters and "who cares" and that it was grossly misrepresented in the previews.

    Glad I didn't spend money to find that out, when it's finally free on some stream service maybe I'll give it a look.
    It's hard to be a ACLU hating, philosophically Libertarian, socially liberal, fiscally conservative, scientifically grounded, agnostic, porn admiring gun owner who believes in self determination.

    Chuck, we miss ya man.


  10. #70
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    Eh... movie critic reviews aren't much of a barometer for me. 1980s Red Dawn was widely panned by critics. I've enjoyed watching it multiple times over the years. Don't go to theaters much... will stream Civil War when available.

    As far as the discussion here of a real civil war... to what end? Return to the good old days of denying women and minorities the right to vote? Return to a utopian society of Blue laws criminalizing conducting business on Sundays and criminalizing miscegenation? Get back to common sense gun control outlawing gun carry absent a special permit issued at the sole discretion of the sheriff? No thanks...

    I know it's popular to think in terms of Yesterday = Good, Today = Bad. Contrary to the notions of some, it's taken a lot of work and votes to liberate much of today's society from an anti-liberty yesterday. Be careful what you wish for.
    Last edited by ChattanoogaPhil; 04-17-24 at 12:41.

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