I'm looking for advice, or even to see if this is feasible. For work (municipal LE) we are issued Armor Express Traverse soft armor carriers. They're great for like 99% of what we do but sometimes it's nice to have rifle plates and the downside of outer carriers is that you can't just throw a plate carrier over top and roll, it's a whole ordeal to change out. I tried doing up armor on the fly and it just isn't practical. Plus you're still open on the sides and back.

I think I am looking for a chest rig that I can use for my daily road patrol that holds all my crap. Mags, radio, meds, phones, cuffs, notepad, flashlight, bodycam, pens, etc. Ideally, I'd be able to unclip all that stuff and swap it over to my plate carrier. I currently have a HSP Micro rig on my PC, which is a little small for all the crap I have to carry on the daily. It was great when I was working narcotics but now I'm on the road again.

I'm not even sure if this is feasible or a good idea, but we're turning up more and more dracos and ARs lately and it would be nice to have something that could stop those rounds. Obviously for active shooter I'm sprinting in with what I got but with a little planning, I might be able to set myself up better.

The market is flooded with rigs geared toward military and recce but I don't need 4-6 rifle mags. I need GP, radio, and med pouches. I'm ok with rolling my own on a molle placard or getting a dedicated rig or exploring some other option all together. This would be a lot easier if we had dedicated PCs with soft armor and an identical one with plates but that's just not gonna happen.

I know that's a lot and a very niche market but any ideas are appreciated. I've been banging my head on a wall trying to find something.