Quote Originally Posted by zushwa View Post
I've seen these threads often turn into "a burly 4x4 with gas cans and luggage racks" kind of mentality. The reality is people are going to bug out in what they drive every day. Can we take the type of vehicle into consideration?? Sure. I'd personally like to discuss how to maintain ANY vehicle and what to take with us in an emergency. I'd also like to discuss movement and travel considerations during multiple types of scenarios.

I saw somewhere, could have been here, where someone had a pallet of gear and goods in his garage and when it was time to go he just lifted the pallet into his truck or trailer and off he went. I thought that was an excellent idea. You can manage and maintain the "pallet" and still have use of your vehicle. I think this mentality has a ton of merit. I dont think it has to be a pallet. It could just be a tough box or a duffle, etc. Obviously the space you have and the number of people you must account for play a role in the decision making. What I like about this concept is you can have some bare essentials for on the road emergencies (first line and second line mentality) and then have your "third line" pre-staged and ready to go. I'm all about scalability, whether it's your personal survival gear, fighting gear, or vehicle gear.


Good points. I right now do not have the funds to buy a seperate bug out vehicle. so I will be using either my wifes Grand Am or my 86 Suburban (aka tank) depending on the situation. right now my bug out scenario if needed is to load my little black trunk of paced gear into the desired vehicle & loading some extra water & food & hitting the road. However more than likely if possible where I am now I wourld prefer to bug in. I a few miles outside a very small town an hour away from any major cities in a small group of people. But if the need arises I do not have a dedicated vehicle. Sure the Grand Am is a little more fuel efficient but the Sub. will go about anywhere & hauls a crap ton of people & gear at about 12 mpg.