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Thread: Transformation-weight loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    Transformation-weight loss

    Transformation/Weight loss thread:

    Each participant defines a set goal for a defined period. Several shorter goals are preferred rather than a large overall goal. Each participant will update his or her stats weekly, in order to help keep the graph updated. I will help keep track of the goals, and try to maintain the goals relative to each other in order to promote a friendly competition.

    Format: Start weight, start body fat %, start waist, start thigh", start calf", start chest", and neck". Those who have other measurements they wish to use, just suggest them. I chose the one I have based on where I gain/lose size the quickest. Also, define some form of a capacity measurement, time for one-mile run, or endurance. Since we are not going after who can lift the most, let us keep it as a practical fitness measurement.

    My Stats/Goal:
    5'6", 225 lbs. 28% body fat, lean body mass of 162 lbs. Ideal body fat percentage will be 15%, which gives me a goal weight of 185 lbs if I lose only fat. Since losing only fat is not possible, I will anticipate a muscle loss of 12 lbs, and at 15% BF, 175 lbs is a good goal, and 50 pounds overall is the number. I will try to use a few different ways to track this.

    Using the body fat percentage allows me to recognize muscle gain with fat loss as well. Knowing my lean body mass allows me to build a diet properly, based on minimum protein requirements and caloric intake. Measuring the neck, chest, thigh, and calf will be a good way to see how my workouts are going. I purposely skipped the arms, as I don't anticipate much loss or growth there.

    My short-term goal is 200 pounds at any body fat percentage. I hope to hit this before summer, so I will say June.


    Last edited by orionz06; 01-20-10 at 11:55.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Workouts this week: I have been focussing on keeping the gym in my schedule. I am an engineer for a company that does analysis work, and often times due to various reasons, I am required to report to another site. I have been working on a consistent schedule that wont be changed should I report to another location. Doing so has forced me to tweak my winter work slightly.

    I have 3 lifting days. I work legs (squats, leg extensions, leg curls, calves), chest and back (flat and inclined press, flyes, rows, lat pulldowns), and bi's/tri's (curls and extensions) during the week. I try to get a minimum of 10 sets, with a max of 16. Legs day this week was 4 squat, 4 curl, 4 extension, 2 squat. I also try to vary the exercises here and there, to keep interest. I am not going for cut and ripped for show, but rather functional strength gains and weight loss.

    For cardio, I will do a cooldown low pace cardio session after a legs day, and try to work something a little more vigourous after the back/arm days. I also try to dedicate one or two non-strength days to cardio as well. Any time I lift, I always lift before cardio. The body needs its full strength for lifting, and will better respond to cardio after lifting. The body releases endorphins during lifting that help with cardio.

    I also lift legs early in the week, to set the pace so to speak. I also place the chest/back workouts before the arms. This allows the chest/back to be hit harder and not be limited by recovering arms. For a total, this is 3 lifting days, 1-2 cardio only days, and cardio 2-3 times during regular lift days for 3 lifting sessions and 3-4 cardio.

    Getting there more than 4 days a week is my goal, and the variety helps tremendously. Diet info coming soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    This is a bit complicated for me. I weighed 298 pounds 6 weeks ago. I now weigh 277. I want to weight 195. I am 5 feet 11 inches tall. I have a scale that figures body fat percentage using a electric current. I started at 42% body fat and I am down to 39%
    Serving as a LEO since 1999.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    got my last cardio day in today. I have a paintball practice tomorrow, so that will hit the legs hard as well. I will work on a chart pretty quickly, once I get more numbers for us.


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