Bear in mind there are 2 "lists" for Maryland.

One is maintained by the MDSP, which indicates which handguns are legal for sale in Maryland, located HERE.

Bear in mind that this list only applies to handguns manufactured prior to 1/1/1985 (some dealers may not know this).

Regarding possession of handguns not on the roster, I'm unsure if possession if legal, but the handgun cannot be sold or transferred if you relocate to Maryland.

The second list pertains to specifically BANNED "assault pistols". You cannot buy, sell,transfer, possess or bring them into Maryland. More info HERE


Quote Originally Posted by BoringGuy45 View Post
Resurrecting this thread:

Question about the Maryland handgun register. Does that apply to possession or to transfer? What I mean is, in Mass, for example, if you owned a gun that's not on the list before moving there, it's not a problem. Just once you get there, you can't buy one because dealers are prohibited from selling it. Is it that way in MD, or if you have a gun that's not on the list, do you have to get rid of it prior to moving to the state?