Had a few msgs and stuff asking about my recent moderation of a few threads - so I thought I'd gut this out in the open.

When I first started asking M4C to let me do this forum, there was some trepidation on all parts - generally, these forums seem to get into the doomsday stuff and everyone gets all whacko, or suspects that everyone else has gone whacko... nary a day goes by that a completely innocent (and productive) thread is not denigrated by all parties once the mention of politics, race, reason, or conspiracy theory de jour is put into play.

The folks that run M4C were understandably concerned that it would not be long before all of us over here were hold up in a CONEX off the grid and posting pictures of chin-beards... or hitting the other forums to drop tinfoil hats from our black helicopters. I assured them this would not happen.

So, from time to time this sort of thing happens... some say that I am "heavy handed and uncaring" others say "overbearing with destructive gestapo-like tactics"... to those folks I say thank you, I print those comments out and send them to my mother; she puts them on her 'fridge with little cartoon animal magnets - they make her smile.

Seriously... the crowd here has been great and there is no one (currently allowed to post) that is in any way, shape or form a concern - I just want to keep the original doctrine in place, while allowing for the current discussions to continue; for I feel that these conversations are extremely important.

Bottom line is, nothing was deleted, no one was called out... just a minor heading check and back to ops normal.

And this is only possible because of the great people that are active in this forum, thank you for keeping it professional, educational and entertaining...