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Thread: "Learning" from Paula Deen (what not to do...)

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smash View Post
    An alarming portion of Americans are getting soft and looking for a reason not to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smash View Post
    An alarming portion of Americans are getting soft and looking for a reason not to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
    I'll man up as well and say you are 100%, undeniably correct. And I agree 100% with it.

    What the just of my statement was before was that everyone is responsible for their own lives and their own decisions, and with that being said, I do not condone the media for "profiteering" on a known crisis.

    And what I mean when I say that is, if I own a gas station and there is a violent hurricane and I then raise the prices by 12x, that's illegal. Its illegal because it takes advantage of people in a crisis. Well it has been more than proven that Obesity is the nations most imminent threat/crisis at this point in time. Therefore, people like Paula Deen and the like, and Hardee's with their Monster Death Burgers are essentially taking advantage of those in a crisis..... if that makes any sense.

    This is the same reason there are interest rate limits for title loan and cash advance companies. Because they take advantage of people in less than optimal circumstances.

    They know the smut they are peddling is nothing but bad for our community as a whole right now, but it makes them money so they continue. Which is more than fine to do because this is America, and we are a somewhat free-trade market.

    However; my problem comes with the double standard. Cigarettes are known to cause health issues, and therefore they are no longer allowed to be advertised on TV. Why is alcohol, which is just as bad if not worse than cigs, free game for advertising? And the same goes for fat shit Paula Deen and that whole crowd, peddling Obesity creating smut all day on tv, in magazines, and on the radio.

    If they are free to do what they wish without consequence, why are oil exec's berated as "profiteering."

    If they are not ask to curb their marketing based on recent health findings, why are cigarette companies?

    I just disagree with the double standard. Enabling is enabling.... no matter what circumstances it falls under.

    We enable the economy to be shit, because everywhere we turn someone is saying how shitty it is. Some politician is saying how bad it is, or how bad its gonna get.... what if everywhere you turned it said how great things were getting... and how much the economy is improving.. how great things will be soon... I think things would drastically improve... just by optimistically improving word of mouth(which is a form of advertising)......

    That being said... when all an obese person sees everywhere they look, is easy to acquire, tasty, fattening as shit food... it doesn't help their "addiction"

    like I said before.... its like a coc head constantly seeing new ways to cook up coc... it doesn't jive too well with his recovery..

    in the end the main point I was trying to make is.... we can't bitch about things that we allow to continue
    Last edited by Reagans Rascals; 01-22-12 at 12:34.
    When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.. - Ronald Reagan

    smoke and drink and screw..that's what I was born to do.. - Steel Panther

  3. #23
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    You draw a lot of very valid points from whats going on in this country. Very good insight as to what standards some are held to.

    It's somewhat of an "oh, damn" moment when I realized I'm ok with some of it and not ok with other parts. I would believe it's based on some of my own beliefs and life experiences.

    I have been very fitness concious since midway through high school. and can control myself around all the fast food options out there. Because of this I see people who cannot as weak and put all the blame on them.

    I've never smoked a cigarette nor had the "want to". I've tried chew, and dip and never could get into, even though I was told a deployment will get you hooked and even had some enlisted Marines make various bets with me about it. I won. ha. I do, however, love a good cigar from time to time. I love being in a place thats filled with good cigar smoke, but cant stand being in the same room as a person who has hammered a pack of cigarettes and smell the part. People dipping doesnt bother me. Personally I'm ok with cigarette ads being off of TV.

    I like having a good drink, but have never had a problem with alcohol and I like a lot of the good TV commercials that alcohol companies provide us.

    Im from Texas and know how lucrative the oil business is and think the oil companies should be able to drill everywhere and produce as much as possible. I'd rather it come from Texas than Durkarabia. I was a wildlife management minor in college and know that drilling can be done safely. I have no problem with the amount of money that oil businesses make. I think its part of whats great about America and only wish I could be a part of it.

    I am shocked by some of Paulas recipes. I dont watch her show but the times I've caught snippets I was made to be hungry for what she was laying down but Ive never gone out and cooked anything of hers myself.

    It's crazy how much the Jersey Shore cast is worth now. Its ridiculous but it's America and people get rich for weird reasons sometimes but its better than Afghanistan.
    Full-time LEO

  4. #24
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    I myself love cigars ( Romeo y Julietta 1875 Churchill). I don't smoke cigarettes but I do believe its a person choice if they would like to, and one of the very bedrocks this country was built on, and like it or not, the African Americans in this country owe their birthright to the cigarette industry.... I do like to drink in moderation and its never been a problem. I have grown to dislike fast food because of the way it makes me feel afterwards.

    But I do know there are others out there who may not be that educated and rely on outside influence for their own decision making process... and with that being said I do feel some of the blame has to be placed upon the shoulders of those "outside influences" they used to arrive at their decisions.... i.e. the gross abundance of glutinous advertising... most underprivileged, uneducated persons really have no means of deciphering what they should and shouldn't eat, so they go with what they know... and that is TV and the local fast food establishments...

    in the end the brunt of the weight does lie on their own shoulders, but I still can't help but think if their circumstances were different, if they were provided with better options and education, they would make better decisions...

    its like the Eddie Murphy/ Dan Akroyd movie "Trading Places".... we emulate our surroundings.
    Everyone's parents have said if you hang around the wrong crowd you'll be brought down....

    In the book "The Tipping Point" it explains the crime wave in 1970's New York was based on a principal called The Broken Window Theory... in which people behaved how they perceived their surroundings... if they saw graffiti and trash and broken windows, they had no respect for their community, which lead to the crime wave due to conformity.... once the new head of the Transit Authority took it upon himself to clean it all up, to keep the trash and graffiti and broken windows out of his transit system, the crime wave dissolved...

    I have the book on .pdf if anyone is interested.
    Last edited by Reagans Rascals; 01-22-12 at 13:38.
    When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.. - Ronald Reagan

    smoke and drink and screw..that's what I was born to do.. - Steel Panther

  5. #25
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    its like the Eddie Murphy/ Dan Akroyd movie "Trading Places".... we emulate our surroundings.
    Everyone's parents have said if you hang around the wrong crowd you'll be brought down....
    Path of least resistance. It's hard work to do right in every way and there is never an end to it.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reagans Rascals View Post
    In the book "The Tipping Point" it explains the crime wave in 1970's New York was based on a principal called The Broken Window Theory... in which people behaved how they perceived their surroundings.
    The Broken Window of the few things I recall from an extraordinarily useless sociology minor. In all seriousness, one applies this theory everyday through stereotyping and other daily endeavors.

    I watch the Food Network. My wife watches it frequently, and now I am into it. I need to go on? But like the government warning on cigarette packs, maybe TFN needs to run a crawler that says "consuming fat- and cholsterol-laden food that is calorically excessive, fried, and nutritionally void may be harmful to your health."

    People make their own decisions and make their choices blah blah blah...I just have a problem with that woman continuing to hawk her food pretending that it, and she, are consequence-free from eating it.

  7. #27
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    I just find it insulting that the government believes they know whats best when it comes to smoking, wearing a seat belt, and helmets on motorcycles, and whether or not I can legally carry a weapon to defend myself from attack.

    But when it comes to an issue that is more detrimental to this country than anything else in the past, Obesity, mum's the word.

    Don't they realize reducing the overall average weight of the citizens, will geometrically reduce the amount of funds expended on healthcare.

    Instead of worrying about shit like internet piracy, that literally has no effect outside the corporate world, they should be focusing on issues like this....

    Hey... I'm a fat **** and eat fried butter.... I could maybe eat a salad? ehh but then what about the butter?.... I could go for a walk? ehhh but I usually get tired after the butter.... oh well I'll just take some "diabetus" medicine and everything will be fine

    our forefathers ate food that would even make Paula Deen say that's too fattening, 8k-10k cals a day... but they also spent 16 hrs a day cutting down trees or working in a coal mine so all those calories were more than expended.

    the issue today is... as technology progressed.. we didn't have to work as hard... but our eating habits never changed... so now we're eating for a 19th century Lumberjack with the lifestyle and metabolism of a 93 yr old home bound granny
    Last edited by Reagans Rascals; 01-22-12 at 14:52.
    When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.. - Ronald Reagan

    smoke and drink and screw..that's what I was born to do.. - Steel Panther

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