I was wondering if anyone had some experience with any one of the many tac. schools/courses here in TX. I've done some limited google searching and found some possible leads, but I'm a skeptic when it comes to feeling someone out through the internet based of solely what is on their webpage.

Just wondering if anyone has some insight to a few places other than roll the dice which is what I'm considering.

Pretty much I'm just looking to get some refined training on my pistol/ carbine skills. As an NCO in my NG unit myself and the others are the trainers and we rarely (if ever) get a chance to do any training ourselfs (I know, its really crappy, so I shoot on my free time to maintain).

The other issue for me is $$, since I'm a long-haired college kid as well as an M-day soldier and taking some Paramedic courses on the side. I'm more than willing to pay good for good instructors, again tho, I'm just really afraid that I'm going to end up with some asshat as an instructor who has a Big Mac eating disorder.

Wow, that was a really long speech.
Thx in advance.


PS: some of the courses I found were: