The discussion of "real world" AR cleaning (1) got me to thinking about people's personal set up for cleaning, smith work, repairs, etc.

My set up looks like thus:

That's where I clean, and do minor repairs/minor smith work (as I'm not qualified to do anything that would resemble major repairs or smith work...).

Vast majority of my efforts have been with handguns, be it shooting them or cleaning them, so the set up is geared mostly to that, but an AR, shot gun, etc, has been known to pass through.

If not PERSEC for you, I'm sure (as with the AR cleaning thread) it might be interesting and telling to see what people's work space looks like.

Feel free to brag about your 10,000 per hour ultra automated re loading machine.

This seemed as appropriate a section of the forum as any to post this Q/topic.
