This is my first post... please bare with me.

I would really like to get into some competitive shooting with my wife. I would classify myself as a novice and my wife as a begginer (with reguards to shooting!) I have never shot competition or even watched. We live on a small farm and I shoot about once a month serirously (300 to 400 rounds mixed calib. and mixed firearms at mixed targets) and probably 3 to 4 times a month for fun. I would also like this to be pistol oriented and more or less stock guns. I'm not exactly sure what classes for competition are offered but we live very close to a decent sized gun club that runs comps and classes regularly.

Basically I don't know exactly what classes there are to compete in (this is all "NRA APPROVED CONVENTIONAL OUTDOOR PISTOL TOURNAMENTS" and what guns would be good to bring. I'm thinking of something in the 9mm or .40cal range for the wife, and something similar for me as well. I don't mind doing some work to the guns (or more appropriatly having some work done.) but I don't want to mortgage the kids future doing so (ok i do want to but probably know better.)

I don't want to look like an idiot going into the gun club and saying... duh i wanta shoot competitively and i just bought these two shiny new Desert Eagles with competition triggers and scopes to do it with! Where do I sign up!!?!?!?! I would really like to pick your brains first and have ya'll tell me a couple of things if you have the time to do so...

where do you compete?
what classes?
what firearms?
what modifications?

I've seen a bunch of pictures with guys shooting different types of guns in what looks like competitive situations. I have a feeling ya'll know a pretty good bit. I also used the search feature and didn't see anything withint the first 5 or 6 pages but may not have searched properly. If not, I do apologize and if you could shoot me a link I would be grateful.

My wife and I are both 38 with some firearm experience.
I currently own
Colt Gold Cup Tropy .45
Benelli SBE (old style)
Rock River Arms Entry Tactical AR15 (I have a noveske N4 upper non-vis on order but they still haven't shipped it yet and i've bugged em too much already to call them about it again )
Henry Rifle Lever Action 22

I guess anything else will have to be asked and anwered, thanks in advance for your ideas.