Quote Originally Posted by Jack-O View Post
funny discussion.

a long range rifle is plain and simple an offensive weapon. I make NO apologies for it and treat is and train with it as such. I wont pretend it's some defensive personal protection weapon any more than I pretend my carbine or battle rifles are such.

Our ability to project force over distance is a MAJOR part of our tool kit that protects us against tyranny. Creating fear in those who would take from you IS a valid and required part of being an American. If you lack the means and ability to project force, then you are not doing your part standing on the line being "the consequence" of bad behavior.

So, YES... a long range precision rig IS a needed part of your arsenal, as is the training and knowledge to use it effectively. If you are not a threat to tyrants then that just places a larger burden on those of us who are.
Very well said.