Hey Guys,

My father and I were talking over the weekend and he is a bit confused about the AWB in Connecticut. Him and my mother are relatively new to the state, and he just retired. He has his pistol permit but no assault rifles.

We were talking that the state run range he shoots his rifles at he consistently sees AR's being shot after the ban was passed, and with standard capacity magazines. I mentioned there was probably a grace period for registration like NY (where I live), and he said he did some reading and didn't see anything about a deadline. He checked for his pistol because I guess in CT you have to register mags too?

Anyway the CT ban seems to be getting little press and he knows nothing about how it is moving forward.

Can anyone fill us in? It is pretty easy to find info on NYSAFE and all of the back peddling Cuomo is doing, but CT seems to not be getting the press, and he is confused about why it seems he is seeing big scary black rifles at a range while just a few miles down the road the Governor is claiming some great 'victory'.

Anyway have any knowledge?