I am taking a course this week, "Officer Survival school" that the FBI gives to local LEOs (free of charge by the way) and we have been doing some combat courses they had set up all week.

One example: two shooters start at 50 yd line, do ten burpees then run down to a patrol car parked about 10 yds from targets, shooters enter the car, buckle up and then, when given the "go", each shooter opens his/her door and leans out to engage two square steel plates with two hits each, then the they combine to take down six steel plates, exit the car, move to the rear of the car and then across the 10 yard line to a mailbox where each shoots from kneeling to take out similar steel, then move to a wood frame door opening, quickly visually clear and enter engaging steel again. Now they sprint back to the fifty yd line to engage punching bags held by other officers. When instructor decides it's time, they sprint back to the 10 and are knocked to their backs by instructors (onto gym mats) and each finishes off 6 more steel plates.

My question is do any LE agencies use courses like his for quals as opposed to the normal paper target-type qualifying everyone is familiar with but really doesn't involve anything that resembles an actual shooting event?

P.S. Our FBI agents and police officers have a paper target, static shooting quality four times a year.