Good evening,

Really trying to be more particular about my training to set goals for myself. I'm currently working on sight acquisition, where to focus, and then multiple targets. Specifically with iron sights on my Glock. I run a fiber optic front and black rear.

To put it bluntly I'm really trying to get good at these skills with my iron sights especially after trying a Glock with an RMR. The RMR solved a lot of my problems and made my shooting faster and more accurate. I'm hoping I can practice more with my current sights and save myself 600 bucks.

Anyway. First question. Do you always focus on the front sight? I hear every trainer say front sight focus is key. However when trying to acquire a target, if my eyes are on the target I feel I can still get a decent sight picture while focusing on the target. Is this a bad habit? Does anybody else do this? I find I'm very slow to switch where my eye focuses, and after a few repetitions my eyes get very tired and sore.

Second, if you're presented with two targets, can you explain the steps your eyes take and when? Do you keep for focus on your sights while tracking to the second target or do you break contact, look at he target then re-acquire the sights?

I have an idea the answer probably varies per shooter and, of course, different strokes for different folks. I'm just trying to avoid getting into a bad habit and reinforcing that bad habit.

Thank you,

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