I don't think your mag holder is as much of a disadvantage as many have indicated. It's not perfect but the whole issue of concealed carry is full of sub-optimum solutions. You can cut time off your reload by practicing it - often. I see that you carry your spare mag with the bullets forward. That's the most common method but I find that it is most efficient to carry with the bullets facing rearward when the mag holder is close to the body. I find that it's a more natural motion - just like drawing your pistol from the holster. Try it and see if that works for you. I find it is also most efficient to poke your strong hand elbow into your body with the muzzle aimed upward at a 45 degree angle when reloading. Some range operators don't like that muzzle orientation (since it is not directly down range) but you are training for a gunfight not to make range operators happy.