in 1990 while shooting service rifle, i went to fla. to compass lake eng. to pick up a new rifle. frank white gave me a bag of completely processed brass from scharch,,pop a primer in it, stick it under a powder measure, and seat the bullet. they were 42$ per 1000 shipped in those days, well worth it to me. thanks to this forum i've been "relocated " them again, and now buy the primed cases from them, ready to load. beats the crap out of tumblimg, lubing, resizing, tumbling again, TRIMMING, clean primer pockets and media from flash holes. a friend gave a 1000 wcc cases a while back, after doing 300 i said no more of this. if anyone reloads, and are not aware of top brass, try some,,,you'll love it. i've been buying the "ammo can special" with 1000 fmj bullets included, as well as an ammo can. the brass used to be all lc, but now there is a little fed, and wcc scattered in there, saves a hassle to me,,thought i'd give them a plug. you can bet your boots, those colorado boys are aware of them. [top brass is in salida]