Just like most of you(hopefully) when you finish a project you like to step back and quote Mr. T, "I love it when a plan comes together".

Well, I'm at the point where I need to settle on a paint system. First off, I'm not using store bought piss cans. Maybe for another project down the road.

My needs for this system are;
-Durability: the high wear areas ie pistol grip, cheek weld, hand guards.
-Curable on plastics.
-Not a requisite, although it'd be nice if it were safe to cure in the home oven.

I know Grant, and ADCO use KG, and Stick loves Norrell's. There's also Duracoat.

I browsed through KG's site, the info there still left me clueless whether or not it fits the bill for my needs.

So my questions are;
*What are your reccomendations?
*How much will I need to finish an entire rifle?
*Tips and Tricks would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.