He isn't wrong.

Nobody had yet to explain to me why we have to import haji "children" who are 20 yo with lean builds and Puma track clothes or illiterate, uninnoculated "Mexicans" who will game the system and funnel money back to "Mexico", but bringing over Scandinavian nuclear engineers or English doctors is a no-no.

The DACA crap and the forthcoming capitulation irks me.

I was buddies with a chap who was born in Rhodesia. Suuuuper smart guy who had multiple degrees and a little money and fought to stay in this country only to be denied. Tried to join the military. Denied.

We all wrote letters for him. Waste of ink. Denied. He had a job at a power plant lined up but....denied.

He had too much pride to get into a sham marriage.

And now we have bargain with our security for......reasons.

I cant help it folks wanted to pop a squat and shit a kid on US Soil.

I'm not against constructive immigration. I remember when folks worked for their green card and were flag wavers and wanted to be American.

Now I have to press 1 for English and all I see are entitled people not paying their share but demanding I pay mine.

If they are so great and awesome; wht cant they fix their own shithole countries?

All I know is that it is refreshing to have a sitting president actually say what most people have long been thinking. The meltdowns are glorious.

Why do we gotta be the homeless shelter of the world? I got my own problems.

Just copy our Constitution, stop fighting over drugs and religion, start dressing like normal people and open a goddamn book aside from Das Kapital or the Quran and get a life.

PRESTO, you wont 'need' to migrate no more and tge rest of us will be all the better for it.