This is a subject about which I don't really have my mind made up. I believe people are seeing something, but whether we are being visited by beings from another planet/dimension, or if it's a demonic deception, or just plain hokum, I can't say.

What do you think of the whole phenomenon?

I wouldn't post this thread to try to promote one view or another. This isn't AboveTopSecret after all. But it's a subject that deserves some attention because it's very real to many, many people.

I'm posting a poll just to get a consensus on what people think is going on.

I've been doing some reading, and frankly, you can find a lot of evidence for many explanations.

I personally have never seen anything in the sky that didn't have a rational explanation, or even if unexplained just didn't strike me as "extraterrestrial" or otherwise fantastical.

What do you think? Do you have a "UFO" experience?