Anyone got any good one liners for dealing with virtue signaling, woke & doped pseudo intellectuals? Some throw away lines for cocktail parties where you want to break contact and leave a nice dookie in the conversational punch bowl that people only realize after a fast five count?

It's not that I pictured Trump as what I wanted as a leader to counter the leftward lurch of the country, but he's what we got and he's works- kind of like those one bladed props for airplanes. I get people don't like him, but hatred of him is leading to hysterical logic blindness that is off the charts. Colorado is going red and Denver is going full stupid. I know I'm not going to change any minds and I don't want to get into long debates with people that I know aren't going to listen or change their minds. I end up in social situations that are kind of like a left-wing Klan meetings- you know the attacks on 'orange' are going to come, and people have NO CLUE that anyone would disagree with the 'fact' that Trump is as idiot, Russian agent, and all the -ists in the world.

Anyone got some good one liners with double entendre or some cunning linguistics that you like to use? Or do I just scan the crowd for potential sympathetic re-resistance co-conspirators?

Fletch gave us "Thank you very little", my grandfather gave me "If I wanted crap out of you, I'd squeeze your head" and my father gave me "That's an idea, but not a very good one"- but I'm going for a little more nuanced for the appetizer on one hand, drink in the other, shaking hands with your third hand crowd.

I know I should just keep my mouth shut and smile, but what fun is that?