Not sure if anyone here can help with this type of question.

Back in my younger days 30 or so years ago I had a concealed permit here in Michigan, this was well before the Man would let regular people have these types of permits. This permit was for my job and stated only valid while I was working or travel to or from. I got popped with a pistol in my car on a non work day. Pled the charge down to a high court misdemeanor, prosecutor wanted to make sure I lost the permit but not punish a young guy fresh out of the military for the rest of my life with a felony.

I pass the NICS and have purchased many rifles and pistols over the years, but even now with Michigan being a shall issue state cannot get a concealed permit.

Question is would I be able to pass the legal requirements for a suppressor/SBR? I had always thought no and never tried, but last month I was finishing a transfer a my local FFL and we got to talking about cans and such. He said he was certain that if I could pass the NICS for a pistol purchase that there would not be any problems getting through the NFA for a can or SBR.

Any ideas from those with more experience with the legal side?
