(Mods, if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move).

Alright guys, I've searched and can't seem to find anything (especially recent) here on M4C about who is or isn't good to go for night vision and night vision related equipment purchases.

With the cost of admission being so high, and the popularity of night vision seemingly increasing as of late, I figure gaining the combined wisdom and experience of those here on M4C would be wise.

For those of you with first hand experience; who have you used, and who would you recommend for night vision related purchases?

I've used TNVC for many purchases, and as of now they are the only retailer I've considered. I've had great experience with them in the past, but admittedly I haven't purchased any actual night vision devices from them. Before I drop almost $9k with them, I'd like to know what other options are available.

(As of right now, I firmly have my eyes set on an RNVG w/ L3 White Phosphor tubes.)

Searching the web lately, there appears to be more dealers popping up than I remember seeing in the past, thus the question.

If it matters, my priorities (in order) are:

1. Image/Device quality
2. Warranty
3. Positive reviews
4. Price

What say you, M4C?

(Also, if we had a dedicated Night Vision sub forum, that'd be greaaaat).

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