Here's my New timer..

I piked it based on Simplicity.
-Easy to use, few buttons.
-loud Horn
-Replaceable 9 Volt Battery
-Belt clip
-Large,easy to read screen.

It has Instant or delay, you can set a Par time. Very nice unit. I know there are others out there, but I did not want one with all the horns,bells and whistles. Just a timer to show me my times.

it fits nice on my belt and All I have to do it get into a position, reach down and hit the green button, the timer is set on delay so it goes off in 3-5 seconds and Bang... I simply look down and there is my time.

I got it from Midway USA and it was $136.29 Shipped and I ordered it on Tuesday the 26th and it arrived today (29th) Hows that for fast service.

I have been wanting a timer for a couple of years and kept putting it off due to the price. But My little change jar finally filled up enough to afford it and I finally decided this will help me more then another gadget....