I have some NFA plays this year since form 1 seem to be going through pretty fast, well at east they were before ll this other stuff happened. So first off I have a 6920 that I want to SBR, After that down he road a bit a few suppressors...so not a ton of stuff and nothing crazy like machine guns or anything. At least at the moment there isnt anyone else that would be using the stuff without me there. My biggest concern is that my kids get the stuff when I die and I can do that with a form 5 it seems, but if I read correctly somewhere that can only be done once? So they cant form 5 the stuff to their kids? Do I have that right?

So is individual best for me or is there something wit a trust Im missing? I would be using a local lawyer that is very experienced in doing NFA trusts in my state, so the trust has a significantly larger initial cash outlay obviously. The cheap single shot and NFA easy trusts seem to me, to be just barely enough to keep everything legal and it seems that they dont do much else. So I dont think they would be any better than filing as individual for me since I can form 5 the stuff to my kids and those easy trusts basically dies when you do anyway. So I dont necessarily see much point in those.