Quote Originally Posted by tellum View Post
as you get older, you'll find that you can't add much weight at all, unless you reduce the number of reps and only train a muscle group once per week. I use 4 reps, 3, 2 , 1, 4, going up in weight for each of the first 4 sets, and then back down to starting weight for the last 4 reps. If you can't do that, you're starting too heavy. I can usually add 5 lbs per week with legs, and 2.5 lbs per week for some of the arm stuff. The others, it's every couple of weeks. do this for a while and you can tell 2-3 days in advance when you're catching a cold or the flu, cause your performance falls way off.
This lacks context.

If you aren't eating and sleeping enough your gains will be slower.

Some lifts can be trained more than others. A heavy deadlift and a heavy squat for example. I will go as far as to say you can train the squat two times for every deadlift but of course more info would be needed to give guidance to a lifter.

If you aren't listing the movements its bad advice as well. An arm curl will gain slower than a supinated lat-pulldown.

Accumulated fatigue and CNS fatigue is a whole other topic I suppose but I would encourage anyone to deload from time to time.