So, for my general purpose, SHTF, jack of all trades rifle, I'm looking into variable optic. I know that LVPOs appear to be the new wave thing, but what's the thought on the Elcan these days? Is it going the way of the dinosaur, or is there still a place for it for general purpose roles? For LVPOs, I'm leaning towards the VCOG as it seems to be the most robust, and the 700 hour battery is better than most of the LVPOs in its class, though the Kahles K16i is tempting too (though the battery life is not comparable to the Trijicon).

How does the Specter compare to the VCOG (or the Kahles) in terms of use at 1x CQB and/or mid-range? I know the 6x of LVPO gives you the ability to reach out a little more, but I also like the simplicity of just switching between 1 and 4 without having to think about adjusting and fine tuning and such. I dunno. Thoughts?