Thank you for your insight on survival; ability to 'draw fast' and shoot 6 rounds in 1.6 seconds on paper, facing your target, prepped stance, focused on the A zone. real brave. Before you start giving 'life saving' advice perhaps a little Force Science Research on the '21 foot rule' and how 'Cops and prosecutors' hate taking their 'kills'.... folks like you get people killed

Quote Originally Posted by tellum View Post
The reality of civilian handgun use is most attackers doint have a gun. Do NOT shoot knife wielders beyond 10 ft, guys. DRAW and point at them but do not fire, at longer distances. You're not a cop, your lawyer is not free of charge and you will NOT have a sympathetic jury, judge or prosecutor. Cops and prosecutors HATE it when you intrude on their monopoly on violence. They very much want you to be disarmed and dependent upon them. Speed of draw has 6x prevented me from having to fire. Airsoft guns and a timer for same make it very cheap, easy,, safe and fast to acquire a superfast ccw draw. Until you get that gun out and on target, none of the other gun training means a thing. Quite often, if you can draw fast enough, you dont have to fire at ALL, which saves you 50-500k trying to stay out of prison and un-sued. Get the double ace timer for your wristband, so it works for both airsoft and live ammo. ou need that feedback of whether a draw truly was fast, or just felt that way, due to lots of wasted movement. If I can reliably draw and hit the chest in .70 second openly worn rig and you need 1.1 seconds to do the same, guess who's got more time for 5 more hits on the Bill drill, in 2 seconds, eh? You have .90 second for 5 more hits, I have 1.3 seconds for those same hits. Who is more likely to have 5 nice hits, me or you? Who is more likely to be able to get all 6 hits in 1.6 seconds, me or you? :-) Who is more likely to be un-shot and getting those hits? The speed of draw has to come first.